Two fantastic titles added to the Wii's VC yesterday


Dear god - is it possible, my greatest wish for the Virtual Console fulfilled! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

Y's Book 1 and 2 (TG-16-CD) - ZOMG! One of the early jrpgs I can remember playing (outside of maybe the original Phantasy Star) - this game was just the pennacle of the genre at the time, and while it hasn't aged so gracefully (especially when played in 480p) - it's still one of the most fantastic sounding games out there! Seriously, a true gem.

Couple of things about the VC Port:
1. It's using a different emulation method (which I was assuming needed to happen to convert all the audio over from teh CD)
2. It's note of note perfect, all the music and voice are here - wow - it still sounds amazing!

I will warn you that this is a hard game to get into. You'll spend (easily) 2 hours leveling up your character to be able to take on the first dungeon - and if you think otherwise, call me after you get one shot by little critters in the first shrine!

Samurai Showdown 2 (Neo-Geo) - Not much to say here, I'd argue this is the strongest title in the SS series, and aside from the obvious lack of resolution (as with every title on the VC) - it still holds up pretty well! God -- I wish we could pay someone to go through and upscale the old sprites for these games - would make me big 70" display much easier on the eyes


My friend downloaded Ys. Only one I've played is Ark of Nepishtim (sp?) on the PS2. The music was pretty badass I must say.
Ya, I think Ys Book 1 and 2 was out in '87? All I can really remember about the time I was playing it was that it was the second game I purchased for my brand new CD-unit (complete with big badass carrying case - I'm not kidding - the box for the CD addon was nearly as tall as I was) - at $599, it was big expensive - but ultimately just awesome!

It was the first time I can remember hearing true voice in a game (discounting the horrid midi-voice in games like Blades of Steel). And the music - MY GOD it's just amazing - and Im not kidding when I say that it holds up really well even today! Think I'm kidding - go and youtube some of the Y's book music - especially the boss fight stuff - crazy good guitar work!

And for those of you wonder what the first game I purchased with the CD unit - that would be /drumroll....Valis 2. Not a great game - but I was in love with the anime style at the time (hey - I was 12) but the game was really just a bad 2d hack and slash
