"Truthiness" is word of the year.


I kid you not, "truthiness" has been voted the word of the year for 2006:

After 12 months of naked partisanship on Capitol Hill, on cable TV and in the blogosphere, the word of the year for 2006 is ... "truthiness."

The word - if one can call it that - best summed up 2006, according to an online survey by dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster.

"Truthiness" was credited to Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert, who defined it as "truth that comes from the gut, not books."

"We're at a point where what constitutes truth is a question on a lot of people's minds, and truth has become up for grabs," said Merriam-Webster president John Morse. "`Truthiness' is a playful way for us to think about a very important issue."
I will be buying a new dictionary next year just because of this. :cool:
Ah that explains why it's been popping up here over the past few days.

Am it Internet meme tiem yet?!