Trouble reaching internet bandwith limit.


Hi.. I'm sorry for posting two topics today, but the subject was to long to put just in one.

I'm having a problem because I have a 2gigabit contract and I'm only reaching 160kbit.. I called the tech assistance and they told me to open de command prompt and type "netstat -a" and this is what I get:

They told me that all those TCP's are the ones that are stealing my bandwith, and they might be from virus or spyware, I'm far from being an expert in computers so I have no clue.. any ideias?

Sorry for the bad english.
[Brick_top said:
They told me that all those TCP's are the ones that are stealing my bandwith, and they might be from virus or spyware, I'm far from being an expert in computers so I have no clue.. any ideias?

Sorry for the bad english.

if you have viruses or spyware, you should check for those first. then delete them offcourse...
maybe post screenshot of services running.... if there is something bad it should show...
Brick_top said:
They told me that all those TCP's are the ones that are stealing my bandwith...
That's the standard kind of bullshit that most tech support gives you when they can't be bothered investigating something. Sure, spyware could be a problem but it's more likely something else if you haven't noticed anything else untoward.

First, are you certain you actually have a "2 gigabit" contract? I highly doubt it. Find out what it really is first.

Second, how are you working out that you are only reaching 160Kbit? What bandwidth testing process are you doing?

Third, (and I don't want to sound patronising but have to ask), do you know the difference between kilobits and kilobytes ? KB/s and Kb/s are two different things.
Yes you are right.. now that I think better, my contract is 2megabit.. I think it is better for me to talk in kilobytes, the bandwidth I'm reaching ranges from 16KB to 20KB I'm not really sure of the correct values, but they are still very low if I take into acount the 2megabit..

Sorry for the confusion
with 2 Mbit you should be getting 250 KB/s.... my 1.5 Mbit gives me up to 160-165 KB/s.

try this.... close all running programs... open Task Manager and google for processes (from your screenshot there are few that do look suspicious).
this takes little time, but it might tell you whats going on...
[Brick_top said:
]Yes you are right.. now that I think better, my contract is 2megabit.. I think it is better for me to talk in kilobytes, the bandwidth I'm reaching ranges from 16KB to 20KB I'm not really sure of the correct values, but they are still very low if I take into acount the 2megabit..
OK, I suspected it was more likely to be 2 megabit. Is it a cable or ADSL connection?

With a 2Mbit connection you could, theoretically get up to around 250KB/s. That is a theoretical maximum. However, that can be dependent on a lot of factors (such as the bandwidth of the server you are connected to). If you are on ADSL then often you won't always get maximum results if you are not near your exchange or the contention ratio limit is reached. Having said that your results are still way, way too low for their not to be a problem.

Do you get faster speeds, say, very late at night (after midnight) as opposed to peak times of the day (early evening) ?

Try downloading this speed test software and post your results. Try it at different times of the day. Do you every get good speeds?
Thanks for all the info.. right now the file you told me to download was downloading at a ~21KB/s I will post the results as I install it. The fastest speed I got was onde in the afternoon from a portuguese page, it was something like 35KB/s, normally when I start downloading a file it starts at 150KB/ but the value goes down to the 20's very fast.. and that is the kind of value I get through the day.
Here is the result from the broadband speed test

Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test (unregistered)
Speed Test Report 05-07-16 16:08 - Full test

Test conducted at: 16-07-2005 16:08:55
Test sequence: Full test

Please note that these results are a snapshot of this particular moment. Run the test a few times to ensure maximum accuracy. 

Although the test has been constructed to be highly accurate, no guarantees can be made to the level of accuracy experienced 

in everyday use.

Test 1: Ping times to UK servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 50 ms (lower is better) 69 ms 65 ms 64 ms 129,3 ms

	This result is much poorer than expected and should be investigated.

Test 2: Ping times to European servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 30 ms (lower is better) 86,3 ms 71 ms 25,5 ms 99 ms

	This result shows serious problems with your ping times, and should be investigated.

Test 3: Ping times to east-coast USA servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 120 ms (lower is better) 155,5 ms 162 ms 158,5 ms 158 ms

	Your ping times are slightly poorer than expected.

Test 4: Ping times to west-coast USA servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 160 ms (lower is better) 161,3 ms 215,7 ms 218,7 ms 196 ms

	Your ping times are slightly poorer than expected.

Test 5: Ping times to east Asia servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 300 ms (lower is better) 498 ms 495 ms 349,5 ms 361,5 ms

	This result is much poorer than expected and should be investigated.

Test 6: Ping times to Australian servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 350 ms (lower is better) 384 ms 342 ms 383,3 ms 385,7 ms

	The results of this test indicate no problems.

Test 7: Ping times to central Asian servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 300 ms (lower is better) 615 ms 116 ms This test failed due to a server timeout or other error. 417,5 ms

	The results of this test indicate no problems.

Test 8: Download speeds from UK servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 2048 Kb/s (higher is better) 408 Kb/s

	This result shows serious problems with your downloads, and should be investigated.

Test 9: Download speeds from European servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 2048 Kb/s (higher is better) 150 Kb/s

	This result shows serious problems with your downloads, and should be investigated.

Test 10: Download speeds from east-coast USA servers

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 2048 Kb/s (higher is better) 46 Kb/s

	This result shows serious problems with your downloads, and should be investigated.

Test 11: Upload speeds to the Speed Test Server

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 128 Kb/s (higher is better)

	Not conducted: You must register this software in order to perform this test.

	Please click 'What's This?' for information on registering this software to enable this test.

Test 12: Packet loss en route to a UK server

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 0 % (lower is better) 0 % 0 %

	The results of this test indicate no problems.

Test 13: Packet loss en route to a European server

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 0 % (lower is better) 0 % 68 %

	An unacceptable level of packet loss has been detected which should be investigated.

Test 14: Packet loss en route to an east-coast USA server

	Ideally, you should get a result of around 0 % (lower is better) 30 % 0 %

	An unacceptable level of packet loss has been detected which should be investigated.

End of testing.

This report was collated using Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test. For more information or to download, please visit 


Generated 16-07-2005 16:08:55 using test version 3.0.316 - unregistered COPY

Diplo I am on ADSL
silence said:
with 2 Mbit you should be getting 250 KB/s.... my 1.5 Mbit gives me up to 160-165 KB/s.

try this.... close all running programs... open Task Manager and google for processes (from your screenshot there are few that do look suspicious).
this takes little time, but it might tell you whats going on...

Do you wan't me to close the anti-virus and the anti-spyware software also?
For a proper spyware scan get Ad-ware Personal and Spybot - Search & Destroy.

I doubt it's spyware... but anyway, your internet speed is not solely determined by your connection, that's simply your max speed, but rather by everyone elses connection. If the server that's your destination is flooded or operating off a spare modem then it doesn't matter what the hell your connection is.

First things first... wtf is running in your system tray, and how much of it is communicating over your connection on a regular basis? Rule of thumb, if it isn't needed all the time, don't let it run all the time. About the only thing that should be there is any anti-virus you have, firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.
[Brick_top said:
silence said:
with 2 Mbit you should be getting 250 KB/s.... my 1.5 Mbit gives me up to 160-165 KB/s.

try this.... close all running programs... open Task Manager and google for processes (from your screenshot there are few that do look suspicious).
this takes little time, but it might tell you whats going on...

Do you wan't me to close the anti-virus and the anti-spyware software also?

huh... make a list, google it and if some turn out to be baddies, then go offline and close them....

do you have firewall?
Actually, use Microsoft Anti-spyware to look at exactly what is starting up with your computer, you might find your answer there.

How long have you had the problem? Was your machine up to date, because if Automatic Updates was grabbing a lot of patches you're obviously going to notice speed loss.
how far do you live from the station? Your start at 150k then drop to 20/30k seems to be a ISP limit. Its not your comp, but your ISP. If your at the end of the range you will get that kind of service from any ISP. I made the DSL by 60ft! But then i get 90k limit, i used to have 70k, but they doubled my bandwidth...... :rolleyes: Atleaste it was 10$ cheaper. Start at 125 go down to 90. Oh and your services are all fine. tho you run alot of spyware chk stuff full time. are you using a wireless connect for LAN?
silence said:
[Brick_top said:
silence said:
with 2 Mbit you should be getting 250 KB/s.... my 1.5 Mbit gives me up to 160-165 KB/s.

try this.... close all running programs... open Task Manager and google for processes (from your screenshot there are few that do look suspicious).
this takes little time, but it might tell you whats going on...

Do you wan't me to close the anti-virus and the anti-spyware software also?

huh... make a list, google it and if some turn out to be baddies, then go offline and close them....

do you have firewall?

ah.. I didn't get you.. I thought you were asking me to just open google and take another screenshot of the task manager, you mean I have to search in google the processes my pc is running.
Quitch said:
Actually, use Microsoft Anti-spyware to look at exactly what is starting up with your computer, you might find your answer there.

How long have you had the problem? Was your machine up to date, because if Automatic Updates was grabbing a lot of patches you're obviously going to notice speed loss.

I installed the ADSL 3 weeks ago, first I used the ADSLmodem they provided and I was experiencing this problem, than I updated to a wireless router and I still have the problem, I still haven't installed the service pack 2
karlotta said:
how far do you live from the station? Your start at 150k then drop to 20/30k seems to be a ISP limit. Its not your comp, but your ISP. If your at the end of the range you will get that kind of service from any ISP. I made the DSL by 60ft! But then i get 90k limit, i used to have 70k, but they doubled my bandwidth...... :rolleyes: Atleaste it was 10$ cheaper. Start at 125 go down to 90. Oh and your services are all fine. tho you run alot of spyware chk stuff full time. are you using a wireless connect for LAN?

I don't know what you mean by station.. sorry :oops: well I allways keep the spyaware and the antivirus updated.. and when I make a scan I turn off my network connections. Yes. I'm using wireless.