Times like this I'm ashamed to be from NJ

epicstruggle said:
Not a good example in my opinion. Look, IMO car manf. operate in a shady way. They could make a car that is harder to steal, but refuse to improve their anti-theft system, because it would cut into sales. Its all a bean counting scam. They are trying to maximize profits, at the expense of the consumers.


Why wasn't it a fine example?

How far should car manufactuers be held accountable for the actions of a third party (in this case, thieves)? I mean, if I park my car in Tijuana, then should I hold the maker of my car accountable when it gets stolen?

Of course car makers are trying to maximize profit. But unless there is proof that the headlights fall off on their own during "normal" usage, I don't see how Nissan can be held accountable. That's tantamount to a complete welfare state where no individual can be held accountable for his own actions.