There's a hurricaine in the great lakes today?

I don't think it qualifies as a hurricane, it just has the same cloud patterns.

Kinda neat though. I hope it breaks up before heading east. I can't take anymore rain, I need to change the car's oil!!!!
When I was a kid, we had hurricane force winds in the Detroit area one time. My mom woke me up and I looked outside and said, "It's too early to get up, it's still dark outside!" She replied, "It's not dark, it's noon." I looked again and realized the sky was an eerie green color... we hid in the basement.

Because of the storm, we lost power for a week. All of our friends came to our place to eat because we still had a gas stove and we had just bought a bunch of frozen chicken, so we had to eat those fast.

I never realized how bad the weather was in the mid-west until I moved to California :D I don't miss the cold winters or hot, humid summers a bit.
Damn it! I'm right where Illinois, Indiana, and Lake Michigan wonder it's been raining for 2 days straight. :???:

Well if it is a hurricane, this will be the third one I've experienced in my lifetime...but the first in Indiana!
Centred right over the Windy City. The irony.

PS. Dig, I must have drove right past you in March on my way to Chicago.
nelg said:
Dig, I must have drove right past you in March on my way to Chicago.
You probably did, I live less than a mile from I94 off the Kennedy exit. :)

I spent my childhood less than 100' from I94 by the Calumet exit, and when I was living homeless for half a year it was under the aquaduct just before the Calumet exit.

I'm a bit of a fan of the Dan Ryan I think, it just always seems to have ran thru my life. :oops:

EDITED BITS: This has weirded me out enough to turn on the Weather Channel. :???:
This would explain the week straight of rain we're going to get in SE MN as well. Oh look, another big band just about to hit me. Ugh.

I can't wait until I get to move to Perth.
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there are fake hurricaines?

is it a 'tropical' storm?

do some rain events spin that aren't classified as anything?

do the great lakes get this type of phenomena often?
Cartoon Corpse said:
do the great lakes get this type of phenomena often?
The central US gets this a lot during the summer, but the fronts just stall wherever they want too. Seems pretty rare for it to stall right over one of the Lakes.

But watch the radar track of most big storms as they move across the Plains, and they usually have a nice counterclockwise rotation. When you're outside and out of nowhere a line of storms starts swinging up from the southwest, it's usually a good time to head inside.

Or if you're like my wife and I, time to hop in the car and go lightning watching. :)
interesting. i must've never noticed spinning storms in the midwest on weather radars before...i just remember a 'front' type linear configuration moving west to east, on the national maps i've seen...except for hurricanes.
There is no way it's a hurricane, the weather is waaaay too calm for a hurricane around here.

It just looks like one, that's all. :)
Yeah, wind always has some amount of rotation to it. It's just the coriolis force: anything that attempts to move in a straight line on a rotating body will find itself going in circles (except at the equator, where the coriolis force disappears: the coriolis force comes about from moving closer or further away from the axis of rotation, at the equator you do neither when you move laterally).