Natoma said:
It's quite easy to think you're doing the right thing and be *completely* wrong.
Agreed. And that's precisely what I think about many of your positions.
The response to terrorism? Ok, we got attacked. What politician worth his salt *wouldn't* have bombed Afghanistan and rid that country of the Taliban? It would have been political suicide to not do so.
I am comforted to know we'll never dfind out how much "salt" Gore is worth, and
how he would have waged his campaign on terror. A
meaningful campaign resulting in the ousting of the taliban from Afghanistan and capture of leadership? Or throw a few cruise missles their way and say "Gee, we we showed them!"
You give credit for Bush getting "approval" from the UN to go into Afghanistan, when I think you shouold be giving Bush credit for
seeking approval.
What if the UN denied approval for the US to go into Afghanistan? Should we have continued to wait for support that might never come? Bush is to be applauded for
seeking support from the U.N. and giving it a good faith effort
when he didn't have need to.
We can state our case so many times and only for so long. We should not be expected to pander forever and drag people along with us. Present our case, over and over. Give a resonable effort at persuasion. At some point, you've got to concdede that they won't go along.
Frankly I don't call Bush's "Texan gunslinger" attitude with regard to the rest of the world "leadership."
If bush didn't go to the UN, I might consider it "Texan gunslinger" attitude. But he did.
It worked fine when black & white definitions of good vs evil were soothing to the nation after 9/11. But in the real world, diplomatic solutions and discussions are far more murky and require a great deal more finesse.
Yes, and in the real world, real people are willing to do things lik fly fully loaded jets into sky-scrapers. And real solutions don't always require political correctness and pandering to buraucrats to try and figure out how they can "sell" a war to their public, so they can save face at home.
That's something that this administration has yet to master, and it has cost us, especially in this Iraq problem.
What has it cost us, exactly? Europeans resent us? France resents us? What else is new. On a related note I still keep on hearing that we are "going this alone"? Since when does not having support from certain countries equate to us going it alone?
Funny thing is, while Gore certainly isn't a person that I wanted as my first choice for President, he *definitely* is the lesser of two evils between him and Bush.
Sorry you feel that way.
I wouldn't call Sharpton's support significant. Far from it.
Eh? Last time I checked he was in third place.
Considering that none of the candidates is currently getting more than 8% of support from the democratic base (save for Joe Lieberman, and that's just because of his name recognition from 2000), if you want to call Sharpton's support significant based off of that, then so be it. Frankly I'm hoping Sharpton drops out.
And that's exactly what the democrats hope...because he is successful at "rousing" and getting support for a large constituents of democrats. Blacks specifically. And democrats don't want him to fragment the party.
Lots of your fellow liberals don't think so.
Uhm, this isn't anti-Bush! The poll was saying that we don't want a war without UN support! If you're saying that flouting our obligations to the world negotiating bodies is "pro-Bush," that bullying our way through our negotiations is "pro-Bush," then so be it.
Some of us happen to have different opinions on the matter.
Uhm...Bush = Conservative. NYC = liberal. Yes, you have different opinions on the matter. Again, IT'S NOT SURPRISING that the NYC sentitment is anti-Bush / (anti-conservative). That's the nature of NYC. Terrorist attack or no terrorist attack.
No one is talking about being paralyzed and not being able to respond.
I am.
Frankly, as I've stated many *many* times, I think that indeed Saddam does need to be removed. I *question* doing it by ourselves when looking at the cost, financially and mindshare wise with the rest of the world, of going it alone. I *question* the abilities of this administration to bring along our allies in this conflict, which they have made a complete mess of.
I *question* anyone's belief that we are doing it ourselves. I *question* the need for any adminstration to get UN approval for self-defense. I *question* the sincerity of such objections to this adminstrations actions, given that the past adminstration performed several aggressive actions (including against Iraq) without getting approval, and I don't recall protest from democrats, republicans, or the UN.
I completely supported the bombing of Afghanistan. Why? Because we went in with the support of the UN!
So...if the UN didn't approve, you WOULDN'T have supported going into afghanistan? We need to get this straight. Does your approval of our actions depend on
seeking approval or getting it?
We had *every* right to go into Afghanistan from 9/12 on
Why? Afghanistan didn't terrorize us. Some terrorists did.
Considering that I did report the results of that poll accurately, but had not seen the recent polls done in the past few days, your 'trust' or lack thereof is of little concern to me.
I'm sorry you don't feel the need for timely as well as accurate reporting....
Here's one link from the regarding said poll:
Again, what's the surprise? That NYC takes a liberal stance?
As I said many times, I agree that Saddam needs to go. I think that anyone in their right mind agrees that he needs to go. It's *how* we get there that people disagree over.
So how do we get there. What you seem to be arguing is that "if anyone but Bush was in the White-House, we would have been able to convince the UN to go along with us." Is that what you're saying?
As I said, I was glad about our initial response in Afghanistan *because* we went in with the support of the UN. This time we are most certainly going in to a war situation *without* the UN.
Again, are you saying you wouldn't be happy about out initial response if nothing was different other than the UN not supporting us?
Uhm, no. But there are quite a few moderates in the muslim world who would be more easily won over to our cause if we did indeed go into Iraq with the support of the world behind us. we are facing an increasing threat becayse these moderates you speak of, are being pushed into terrorism based on our actions?