Hi Guys,
I live in Minneapolis. The article makes it sound like things are really terrible here, but they arn't that bad. About 8 years ago when I was 15 years old I worked in a rather bad part of Minneapolis (just off Lake and Chicago for those if you in the know) and yes there is crime, yes there is poverty, and yes it can be a dangerous place. Otoh though, as a 15 year old white kid riding the city bus every day there and back, the worst problem I ever had was drunks begging me for spare change.
Contrast that with about 3 months ago when in a fairly upstanding neighborhood our room was broken into at about 5 in the morning by a white guy while we were sleeping in bed. After the police came (which took forever), they continueally claimed it must have been "the wind" that opened the door (Though I caught them in a logical error, and they ended up brushing the whole thing off). What's worse, is that they advised not bothering to fill out a police report because it wouldn't actually make any difference as to catching the guy.
The author seems to be implying that black criminals are being given special favor over white criminals becuase of their skin color, but quite honestly I have not seen or heard this to ever be the case while I've lived here. Yes there are problems with violence, and yes Minneapolis police are pretty bad at taking care of things sometimes, but it strikes me that the author is using all of this simply to further his agena.