The problems and irritations with finding a new job...

They're all like synchrotron radiation, as they all need an electron release at high power and -3e.
Which is not to say stimulated emission is not possible ... a plasma lit with a coherent EUV beam (from a low power accelerator) could conceivably function as an optical amplifier, which might have a higher efficiency than using a plasma as a source (and would make life so much easier by allowing you to increase the distance from the plasma to the optics).
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I come back from a few days playing W40K: Retribution for this. :p So, lets see how generic I can make things and then I'll be leaving this thread for good.

Noooo don't leave me. What if im a Skitso and I have a delusion that we're married with 3 kids? Where would that leave me? You're so selfish, no wonder you fled the country and went back to America my selfish no good husband!

Everyone has their opinion about what role government should play. The founders of the USA left Europe to get away from big governement. Thus the constitution of this nation specifically spells out the powers the Federal government is to hold. Follow so far?

Now here's the part you evidently don't get. Those powers not vested in the Federal government are to be held by the States of the Union. Each state can thus better serve and create legislation pertinent to their constituency. What people want in California might be quite different that what people want in Idaho for example.

Now what part of that implies "bare essentials" for government.

Short version. Federal Government is limited by the constitution. State Government makes laws relevant to its territory.

Unfortunately, the Federal Government has increasingly stolen the power of the various State governements and taken on powers not granted to it by the Constitution or the people.

From what it sounds like, the irony is that the wrong side seemed to have lost the American Civil War based off the real reason they were fighting, state vs central government control.


Yes, im saying it now. What can you do aboot it? Go to Canada? :p
And then get shot anyway. And/or go for the deal for top-dollar Afghan schmokes in the cafe back home.

Sorry Frank but your view of the world is naive at best, and weird at worst. Netherlands is historically one of the worst colonial offenders, and you can't make up for it by being nice.

Which you aren't, because in my experience the Dutch are up there with the Israelis and Swedes as topping the league for per capita sense of humour failure of all nations on Earth. Even Robert Mugabe is more fun on a night out.

And the Swedes fall far behind when it comes to arrogance - you Dutch and the Israelis are the most unpleasant and aggressive people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You are *worse* than the Yanks, French, Germans, and so on. Seriously.

None of this is to do with justifiying the actions of my nation over the years, however many years, just that you need to realise that nobody gives a shit and you, like us Brits, are a PITA with no redeeming features. Despire what you might like to think.

To be frank, you sound like a nutball. :p
Which is not to say stimulated emission is not possible ... a plasma lit with a coherent EUV beam (from a low power accelerator) could conceivably function as an optical amplifier, which might have a higher efficiency than using a plasma as a source (and would make life so much easier by allowing you to increase the distance from the plasma to the optics).
Yes, something like a fusor (for the controlled plasma) would be great for that, but the required power and the sustainability would be a big problem.

Hm, I'm going to ask if I can tell how the current one works. Because it also prevents me speculating on other, interesting options if I'm not going to give it away.
Btw, as for an update:

The main projects I was hired for at ASML now have become so derailed, redefined, all-compassing, split-up and require so much input from all participants, that either my contract period has to be extended very significantly right away, or new projects have to be defined and specified for them (most likely by me), and handed over to IT. Which is currently under review by my boss and all the project leads. So I can be out of a job in about a months time or such, or required for at least a year, depending.

In the mean time, I got two new projects as well, to fill the time taken by the politics.

I'm very curious how it turns out, and while the bureaucracy and politics are not my game, I enjoy the impact it has created. :)

In the mean time, the last job offer I responded to (before I got the contract at ASML) turns out to be very nice as well, and they asked me for a second and final meeting. Even while I botched the initial meeting by turning up a day earlier than planned ( :oops: ), and we had to reschedule a week later.

It's totally different, web, very creative, near-by (it saves me about two hours travelling each day) and without an expiration date. But I'll have to see how much it pays, because I'm guessing it will be about half or 2/3rd of what I earn now.

Decisions, decisions...
