The Darkness shown running realtime at Comic-Con


The demo revealed a bit more of the game's targeting system. You are nearly always dual-wielding your deadly, ornate pistols. Two tiny red dots indicate where your bullets will land. Your shot isn't strictly laser sighted, though, because as you draw your aim there is a slight auto-targeting system which will pull your shot to the enemy at hand. Although we didn't get to play the game ourselves, the developer at the controls seemed to have no trouble flipping between targets quickly and accurately.

Starbreeze uses in-game televisions to keep the player informed on the action. Sometimes they'll be playing public domain flicks like Nosferatu, or they'll show news clips from the building where you're currently waging one-man dual-pistolera war on a rival mob gang. The Darkness currently lacks a heads-up display and the developers told IGN they'd like to keep it that way. Instead you gauge your condition by the colors of your demon snake buddies.

As the demo concluded Jackie was cornered in an underground potty, with his enemies breaking out the windows for a shot. Jackie fires back, but hears very scary voices calling him to let them out... to let the darkness out. Then he does -- and all sorts of hell literally breaks loose.

The demo at Comic-Con ran beautifully on the Xbox 360. The Darkness is also destined to reach the PlayStation 3 when the title ships in February 2007.
New screen shots and and interview at IGN.

Additionally, Starbreeze is also looking into taking advantage of the PS3's tilt controller and is considering some possible changes with another feature we can't talk about yet.
Nice little tease. :neutral:

Probably either the new EyeToy or maybe... just maybe... the PS3's 4D features. :LOL:

Context leads me to believe it has something to do with the game controller. It's not the extra PS3 video content they've spoken about in past interviews because they're very open about that in this interview as well. Anybody have any idea what PS3 exclusive feature these guys could be talking about?

This game is going to be pretty damn sweet. The devs are expanding pn the original Chronicles of Riddick gameplay, so it should be a blast. Graphics look nice.
never heard of this game until now
graphically very nice, looks like stencil shadows though, polygon count looks high for stencil shadows
new screens at


this game gonna be SICK :devilish:
some nice graphical work there
easily the best looking game for the xb360 from a technical viewpoint
some nice graphical work there
easily the best looking game for the xb360 from a technical viewpoint

I have to diagree with that one, it looks good but it still looks like the riddick engine with more polygons and higher res textures