Terry Makedon's Latest Interview

shine your bald spot for a nickle ;)
Nice interview dude!
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HF – We continue to hear many journalists, programmers, and enthusiasts say that ATI’s OpenGL drivers do not offer all of the performance that they could. Could you talk a bit about your OpenGL driver development efforts and what is being done to close the performance gap with your competitors?

TM – There is no gap to close. With our latest X1000 series of products and with the latest beta driver posted (which, by the way, will be a full Catalyst driver in November) we are actually ahead of the competition in real gaming scenarios. A few Websites are showing these numbers so far, and I urge HF to do such a review to show these results.

There is also a secondary project going on to re-write certain parts of our OpenGL driver. This is not expected to give big performance boosts, but just generally will improve stability, and clean up the code a bit.

I see a lot of funky things happening in openGL with an ATi card. In dod(not source) and other HL mods for example(which use immediate mode rendering) I see ATi cards being CPU bound at about 75% of the framerate compared to a ti4200. And In quake 2 I see weird nonsensical slowdowns to about 30FPS in some specific spots under water but that's most likely a bug. I would love to see a review of ATi's openGL performance in terms of CPU overhead for various operations.
Nice read.

Terry, what was the thinking on giving you Video now too (instead of, say, before)? Avivo related?

Also, your committment re WHQL has remained unwavering for some time now. Would I be justified in thinking there was never any chance you guys would do something to threaten that? For instance, would I be justified in coming to the conclusion that you weren't playing the "a-wishin and a-hopin' " game with your WHQL cert re the recent controversy over SM3 compliance? You know, "well, heck, let's just submit it this way and see what happens". :LOL:
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