
Halogenated flame retardants. Baaaaaad, baaad stuffs, and plenty of it in electronics, and plastic casings around electronics. Woe our testicles, my geeky friends!
Am I the first to mention Teflon Rounds? :oops:

Those things saved my ass so many times! Best against robots and cyborgs - and of course, against cameras, if you had no lower guns! ;) P-p-pathetic human... r-r-unning around my corridors with standard rounds! ;)
PFOA or its related chemicals, used in nonstick cookware, waterproof clothing and food packaging doesn't break down in the environment and has been found in low levels in the blood of some 90 percent of Americans, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

The EPA hasn't established safe levels of PFOA exposure, but an independent panel recommended in February that the agency classify PFOA as a "likely" carcinogen, while the EPA develops a final risk assessment of the chemical.

The EPA said in a statement released Thursday that consumer products made with Teflon and other nonstick coatings don't pose a risk to consumers.

The EPA said that the eight companies that use PFOA have agreed to reduce PFOA environmental releases and levels in products by 95 percent by 2010 and to work toward elimination of sources of PFOA exposure by
Look, everything you eat contains carcinogenic stuff. Potatoes, beef, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, oranges, onions, bananas, you name it. It's all carcinogenic. IIRC, carrots are the only (or at least one of the very few) kinds of food that does not contain any known carcinogenic substances. I stopped worrying about these scare reports a long time ago.

Ty said:
heavy metals!

Humus said:
IIRC, carrots are the only (or at least one of the very few) kinds of food that does not contain any known carcinogenic substances.
Wasn't beta-carotene (which gives carrots their characteristic color) found to be carcinogenic a few years ago?

Saying that a substance is found in ALL humans doesn't say anything about whether it is actually present in large enough amounts to actually do damage. People who are paranoid about cancer risks may be interested in knowing that virtually all humans also contain measurable amounts of Potassium-40 and Uranium-238 (two well-known radioactive substances of natural origin; Potassium is a necessary mineral and Uranium is water-soluble enough to appear pretty much everywhere). As for the PFOA substance itself, the question of what health effects it can actually have is basically open - there just has been done very little studies on how harmful this chemical actually is.
Fact is we are all going to die. You may live longer by not eating on teflon pans, but all the time you gain will be spent scrubbing pots and pans in the sink.

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rwolf said:
Fact is we are all going to die. You may live longer by not eating on teflon pans, but all the time you gain will be spent scrubbing pots and pans in the sink.

:p Thats why I got married. ;)

epicstruggle said:
Blah. We'll all die of something, I just prefer not to spend quite so much time at the sink. :p Besides, cancer can be treated. :D

Why don't you read up a bit about the stuff they put in things like perfumes, deodorants and other skin-"care" products, hmm? It's quite scary, a study here in sweden with like 12 'sensitive skin' deodorant products found that ALL of them contained known irritants, almost all of them contained substances KNOWN to be environmentally hazardous, and a majority contained substances KNOWN to be carcinogenic. And we're not talking one or two irritating, hazardous and carcinogenic substances, but one single product typically had MULTIPLES of them all. And these included many international name-brand products too.

So think about that next time when you slop some of that crap on your pits... ;)
WhiningKhan said:
Variation on the theme: We're all going to smell bad in the end anyway, why struggle against the inevitable?
It's not inevitable. You could e.g. inflict arsenic poisoning on yourself. If you do it just right, at the time you die your entire body will be so toxic that the bacteria etc normally responsible for decomposing you cannot do their job, leaving you smell-free forever.

"It is estimated that up to 50% of all people worldwide are infected with Toxoplasma gondii."

In infected rats the only major noticable effect is a change in behaviour. They no longer fear cat piss which makes them more likely to be eaten by a cat(the intestinal phase of the life cycle occurs only in cats).

What do they do to human brains? "...some epidemiological links may have been found between latent Toxoplasma infections and car crashes, slower reactions, an increase in risk-taking behaviors, and schizophrenia."

I'd rather try my luck with the teflon.
soylent said:

"It is estimated that up to 50% of all people worldwide are infected with Toxoplasma gondii."

In infected rats the only major noticable effect is a change in behaviour. They no longer fear cat piss which makes them more likely to be eaten by a cat(the intestinal phase of the life cycle occurs only in cats).

What do they do to human brains? "...some epidemiological links may have been found between latent Toxoplasma infections and car crashes, slower reactions, an increase in risk-taking behaviors, and schizophrenia."

I'd rather try my luck with the teflon.

I've heard that schyzo-types(or some other name), are actually more creative, so as long as you don't get full blown schizophrenia, it could be beneficial, assuming tis true. Almost like Aspergers(or what was it?), not good for social relations, but if you've the intellect can be quite good for your bank account ;)

Anyway with some of my ancestors being known heavy smokers with 90+yrs of never-hospitalized lifespan, I think I'm pretty safe gene wise. Environment wise, my veggie consumption is way way high, I consume purified fish oil, substances that've recently been shown to boost dna-repair enzyme lvls(broccoli), and I consume stacs(aka, cr mimetics) such as resveratrol and genistein to further boost my abilities.