System Shock Remake 2023

I've gotten used to being lazy gaming lately. If a game is confusing or I can't figure out what to do I usually give up/look it up/cheat. Games seem to have noticed too and have become easier and easier to play/follow along. They keep notes for you on keypad numbers, objectives, and give you waypoints and arrows to find your way.

System Shock Remake is not one of those games, and I love it! It's the kind of game where you have to keep a sheet of paper and a pencil at hand to take notes, and it doesn't help you find out where you're going or what you want to do at gotta explore and figure it all out. Reminds me of the old days of gaming, but the graphics and gameplay are all modern. I heard it's faithful as hell to the original but I never got in to the original because of the awful keybinds, this game doesn't seem to suffer from that plus my mouse now has 13 buttons so finding good bindings is a lot easier.

Great game, surprised the hell out of me. Thought it deserved its own thread rather than getting it confused with the remaster done a few years ago. This one is different, it's REALLY good! :D
Also the whole story behind Shodan seems like a timely lesson, delivered 30 years ago but even more apprapo now.
Well yeah, the treat is real:

Idk what precisely the treat is. Probably because i've never watched one of those YT videos about Elon Musks AI warnings.
Currently i do suspect those tech guys signing up do this only to increase the value of their tech, by indirectly claiming how clever their AI is. :D
But i'm ready to learn better. I'm ready for extinction.

The game feels solid and very well done after playing some minutes. So beside RE4 this will be the second remake i'll play.
Did not play either of the originals, but i see my general resistance about 'remakes - how boring' is fading away.

What's very interesting is, just like in the game Boltgun, there feels a new and good use of retro style pixel art elements coming to 3D games.
It's like a new kind of artstyle - retro done right.
Boltgun takes it a bit too far imo. There should be no banding from fog, causing temporal instability. And 2D sprites for enemies or items? No thanks.
But System Shock really looks good.
It's quiz time !!!!!
One of the audio logs says
What can this strange device be?
When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It’s got wires that vibrate, and give music
What can this thing be that I found?
Where is this quote from ?
nice to know it's a good game. I have it installed already, since I prepurchased it many months ago. I almost haven't touched it though, 'cos I am playing Return of Rome (Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition) and eagerly awaiting for Diablo 4.