Silly processor question


While working on a friends PC ( I was doing a processor upgrade ) I removed the stock intel p4 heatsink and managed to pull the processor out of the socket still attached to the darn heat sink :oops:

Anyway I put the new processor and heat sink in and his system is all nice and happy. Now I have sitting on my desk a p4 2.8 processor that I'd like to use in one of my machines except its basically welded to the heat sink. It looks like thermal tape was used... Any ideas on how to seperate them safely?
What about the old freezer trick?
put both in a ziplock bag in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, remove and twist or GENTLY pry apart.

If it's just taped to the sink and not glued you can just take a sharp knife and slide it inbetween the sink and CPU until they come apart; thermal tape sticks well when trying to pull the surfaces apart, but it's actually not made of that strong a material. Then scrape off the tape and use OIL-FREE acetone to clean off the remaining bits from the CPU heatspreader.

If it's glued, stick the whole thing in the freezer for a long good while (turn down the temp as much as you can as cold makes epoxy brittle), then take a sturdy knife and insert edge between sink and heatplate and push down, perhaps also tap gently with a hammer or such on the back of the knife. Try to scrape off as much of the glue as you can when it's still cold, the rest may come off with some solvent (though I doubt it), or you may have to polish it off. And mind the CPU pins too, you may want to push them into some form of foam plastic or such first before you do anything.

The P4 can take some physical stress due to the rather heavy-duty heatspreader; no worries there. :) Well, I guess it IS possible to break it, but one would have to be pretty reckless to succeed I'd think...
Well the sharp knife wasn't sharp enough or maybe it wasn't strong enough ( broke the darn tip off :rolleyes: )

But the deep freeze did the trick... the processor practically fell off in my hands :)

Thanks guys :)
a: take a fine but strong thread like nilon or someting and cut the CPU out.
b: take some cotton wool, pour some(alot :LOL: ) alcohol(96%) on it, and rap the CPU with it, and put it a plastic bag, wait for 15-5 min and the CPU shuld fall off the HS by it self.