Shadow Warrior, a classic game, free forever on Steam!!


I had never played it and now that a new version is coming out soon, afaik, this is the perfect time to give it a try.

Valve wanted to keep the game free to play for a limited time and offer some keys to enjoy it for free to some people, but the keys were stolen and they finally decided to keep the game free forever.

I am so used to pay for games, that enjoying a free game is nice for a change.

Taking into account I had never played the original Duke Nukem -except a demo-, and that this game is considered a classic (it used the Duke Nukem engine).... it's about time I can play it. I hope it is fun.

A couple more free games from Steam -thanks Slayth for helping me with the list-:

Cry of Fear (a terror game with a bang, they say it's a better game in this particular genre than most horror games of this generation)

Alien Swarm, they say it's a cool game to play coop.

Then there is Team Fortress 2 of course, but I tried it on the Xbox 360 and it's not a novelty to me.
Wow, thanks for the heads-up!

Shadow Warrior wasn't an awesome game exactly (Duke sexism^3, give or take a little), but it's kind of a classic by now. :) It's certainly part of a heritage of software rendered titles that won't return again, kids growing up today are hardly aware these games even exist...
I used to play just about every single FPS in the 90's and shadow Warrior was one of the more obscure ones. I often get these wrong because of my bad memery but I think it was one of the first genre games to allow dual weapons (in this case Uzis) and some (limited) vehicle movement. For some reason or other, when Halo was in development for the PC, I always felt like it'd borrow game mechanic features from this game. Also No One Lifes Forever felt like it'd copy something from this game. Even if the games settings are worlds apart.

From graphical point of view this game was already behind the curve (as Quake was released earlier) and voxels turned out to be wrong move. Unfortunately I can't tolerate to play pre-Quake fps anymore. I played Dark Forces few months ago and it made my eyes hurt.
dem voxels.
Hurm, were there actually any voxels in shadow warrior? My memory files indicate only Blood featured that innovation - although they may have been corrupted due to all the time that has passed since; I haven't played Shadow Warrior in over ten years now and probably more...
By "free to play" I assume it's actually free to play and not "it's free to play, and if you want, we can sell you the «boots of darkness» that will boost all your character stats by 500% for $100. Actually, we'll make the game so hard towards the 4th level that there's no way in hell you can finish it without the «boots of darkness». Haha."
By "free to play" I assume it's actually free to play and not "it's free to play, and if you want, we can sell you the «boots of darkness» that will boost all your character stats by 500% for $100. Actually, we'll make the game so hard towards the 4th level that there's no way in hell you can finish it without the «boots of darkness». Haha."
I tried the games and they are totally free in the traditional sense.

Who wants some Wang?

Davros, thanks for sharing the links. I heard that the game's engine and source code had been released time ago. That might explain those mods. It reminds me of Quake 1 and its mods.