Several PS3's, can i use one PSN user for all?


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Quick questions:

1. Can i somehow use my PSN user at my girlfriends ps3? if so how

2. How can i transfer save games from ps3 to ps3?
Quick questions:

1. Can i somehow use my PSN user at my girlfriends ps3? if so how

You can log in with your PSN credentials on another PS3. I did that with the office's PS3 and it asked me for my CC number to verify. That's what they call activation. The same way you can deactivate your PSN account on a given PS3. There's a limit of how many machines you can activate your account on, though.

2. How can i transfer save games from ps3 to ps3?

Whatever's stored online you have access to, but for savegames I'm not sure. I assume that savegames that are not locked you can backup/copy to a USB stick and restore in another system but I never tried.
Quick questions:

1. Can i somehow use my PSN user at my girlfriends ps3? if so how

Yes. The system will ask you whether you want to create a new PSN account, or use an existing one. If you pick the latter, it will prompt for your id and password.

2. How can i transfer save games from ps3 to ps3?

Copy to/from USB drive -- if the game doesn't lock the saves to the hardware unit.