Russell Crowe in trouble with the law!

Guden Oden

Senior Member
After losing it completely because he couldn't make a long-distance phonecall, he threw the telephone at a hotel worker, which unfotunately hit the person in the face. Or that's what the papers suggest anyway.

They also suggest he might get up to seven years in jail for that little stunt.

May I now suggest, that he gets to share cell with Michael Jackson? :LOL:

However, more likely is the court will slap a moderate fine on him, which for a guy like Russell is like picking up the tab after having dinner at a fancy restaurant. So now the question still remains of who will keep MJ warm at night! :LOL:
oh look at me
my name is gundan and i have no life
so i read about the lives of celeberities because my own life is non existent

Maybe you ought to learn to read, eh? "Gundan"... :LOL:

Did I hit a raw nerve or something because Crowe's australian? Well, if it was all up to me you could keep the racist, misogynist bastard, heh heh... :devilish:
K.I.L.E.R said:
oh look at me
my name is gundan and i have no life
so i read about the lives of celeberities because my own life is non existent

This is from a guy who starts threads on Internet forums about toothbrushes? :?
nutball said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
oh look at me
my name is gundan and i have no life
so i read about the lives of celeberities because my own life is non existent

This is from a guy who starts threads on Internet forums about toothbrushes? :?

Brushing techniques...
Very different, it's all in the wrist you see.

To stay on topic (which kinda defies the purpose of the General Forum but anyway), does anyone still cares about that parasite? Crowe is in my books one of the lowest life bastards someone can call "celebrity".
Mariner said:
Crowe's a Kiwi anyway isn't he?
I think so.

It was on the front page of one of the broadsheets in the UK. Crowe's statement was that he threw it at the wall because the person behind the desk didn't appear to be interested in getting the phone in the room working.
It was on the front page of one of the broadsheets in the UK. Crowe's statement was that he threw it at the wall because the person behind the desk didn't appear to be interested in getting the phone in the room working.

the person deserves to get it thrown in their face.

and whats with this hate crowe thing?, whats he done?, last time i saw him was in a good film.
Why? What for? Russell's such a blockhead he can't even work an ordinary phone (probably all that drinking killing off his braincells), and someone completely unrelated deserves to get it thrown in their face? You must be mad!

Btw, crowe was in a good movie? When?

Ah, alright then, L.A. Confidential WAS good, but not really because of HIM. He's definitely one of the most unsympathetic characters I've ever heard of, insulting women, beating up people left and right etc. Acting like a complete arsehole.
Mariner said:
Crowe's a Kiwi anyway isn't he?

Technically. Born here, moved with his family to Australia at something like age 5. Personally I think the shock, or should I say lack, of Australian Culture has warped the poor wee lad. :)

Russel is currently serving as a fine example of an actor who does good work on the screen but whose personal life and habits are deplorable. And yes Guden Oden, he can act. He was extremely good in "Gladiator", "Master and Comander", "Rumblefish" as well as "L.A. Confidential" (although I give that last film more to Guy Pearce).
Honestly who gives a toot?
The guy is a human-freaking being.
Just like every other freaking person.
Guden Oden said:
Acting like a complete arsehole.

There's a reason that Crowe acts like an arsehole. The most obvious reason of all, in fact.

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck... :)
Mariner said:
If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck... :)

i have to say, that article is a load of bull.

and as long as he does good films (yes Guden Oden - GOOD films) then i dont care whether he throws a phone at someone or not (as long as its not me).

its exactly this noiseyness o_O that we have pathetic programs like "im a celebrity get me out of here" - when it should be more like "im a celebrity get the F**K of my tv" :devilish: