RSX in the flesh (picture of...)

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And introducing RSX, our favorite GPU buddy:

Every single Thread in B3D that has something as big as this should have some sort of source occompanied with it. I mean..COME ON! :LOL:

Wait...I think I remember seeing this picture a while back...hmmmm...maybe my memory is wrong..or it was something else..
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we need someone technical to evaluate the pinnage on the underside and let us know if it's legit or not.
That thread I posted was locked because it was mentioned in another thread. I'm trying to find that thread right now.
ROG27 said:
I was gonna say...that thread never proves it being fake.
Now you're entering the realm of wishful thinking. :) The chip wasn't completed when the pic you have now reposted first appeared on the web.

Besides, like I mentioned in at least one of the threads mentioning this chip, it's not the same chip shown on either side. The left pic shows the substrate having a rounded corner. There is no rounded corner visible on the flipside pic, so obviously something is fishy right there. I also sort of doubt the pin layout arrangement conforms with the demands of the serial I/O link to Cell. I'd expect something a bit more uniform and regular on at least one side of the chip.

And if nothing else, Occam's razor applies as usual of course, and the probability points towards this being fake.
Guden Oden said:
The left pic shows the substrate having a rounded corner. There is no rounded corner visible on the flipside pic, so obviously something is fishy right there.

Your talking about two different parts of the package. The top and bottom are different. The top looks like a metal layer, to help it attach to heat sinks, while the bottom is a circuit board.
Well regardless, it can't be real. This picture is old old old, and it comes from a time when we *know* RSX was pre-tape-out.
The only way it could be "real" is if the G70s etc. that went into PS3 kits before the "real" RSX arrived were manufactured especially for the purpose, and had RSX printed on them symbolically. I think it unlikely though.
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