Revenge of the Sith... bringing your kids to see?

_xxx_ said:
How beautiful it is to have grown up in the country without any form of censorship :D I watched the most horrible horror flicks when I was 7-8, all the violence and so on. Did it harm me in any way? No, it rather made me more sensible. So I'd take my kids in there for sure. That movie is, like, nothing in terms of violence etc.
There is no censorship if your an adult . however untill you hit 18 your considered a minor and thus you need parental permission for the movies .
jvd said:
_xxx_ said:
How beautiful it is to have grown up in the country without any form of censorship :D I watched the most horrible horror flicks when I was 7-8, all the violence and so on. Did it harm me in any way? No, it rather made me more sensible. So I'd take my kids in there for sure. That movie is, like, nothing in terms of violence etc.
There is no censorship if your an adult . however untill you hit 18 your considered a minor and thus you need parental permission for the movies .

Errm...isn't that just what I said? Not being able to see all that if you're below 18 is to me censorship.
_xxx_ said:
Errm...isn't that just what I said? Not being able to see all that if you're below 18 is to me censorship.
Let your children go to a stripbar get on a table and strip for the customers. I mean your not a censor nazi right? :rolleyes:

ps this was an over the top example but your 2 posts on this subject are just as stupid.

pps to everyone else. sorry for the off topic post.
epicstruggle said:
_xxx_ said:
Errm...isn't that just what I said? Not being able to see all that if you're below 18 is to me censorship.
Let your children go to a stripbar get on a table and strip for the customers. I mean your not a censor nazi right? :rolleyes:

ps this was an over the top example but your 2 posts on this subject are just as stupid.

pps to everyone else. sorry for the off topic post.

The comparison you just made is total crap, just like most of your sensless rants. But whatever.
_xxx_ said:
epicstruggle said:
_xxx_ said:
Errm...isn't that just what I said? Not being able to see all that if you're below 18 is to me censorship.
Let your children go to a stripbar get on a table and strip for the customers. I mean your not a censor nazi right? :rolleyes:

ps this was an over the top example but your 2 posts on this subject are just as stupid.

pps to everyone else. sorry for the off topic post.

The comparison you just made is total crap, just like most of your sensless rants. But whatever.
you censor nazi. :devilish:
I don't know, not wanting your child to see people getting decapitated or losing limbs hardly strikes me as censorship. Is it censorship to keep your children away from war zones so they don't see people dying? Oh, that's different because it's real life? Tell that to a child, who has a hard time differentiating between what they see produced for TV or the theater and real life.

My wife and I took our 22-month-old daughter to Sea World last month. We sat down to watch the killer whale show and Megan seemed to be enjoying watching the whales come up out of the water. But then the music kept changing (to make the show more exciting I assume) and it became more intense, and the next thing I knew Megan was trying to climb up over me to get away from it. So we immediately left since she was obviously becoming upset. Did I censor my daughter?
John Reynolds said:
My wife and I took our 22-month-old daughter to Sea World last month. We sat down to watch the killer whale show and Megan seemed to be enjoying watching the whales come up out of the water. But then the music kept changing (to make the show more exciting I assume) and it became more intense, and the next thing I knew Megan was trying to climb up over me to get away from it. So we immediately left since she was obviously becoming upset. Did I censor my daughter?
My daughter has had that problem with movie theatres in general since forever, she just hates how loud and intense the sounds are and it scares the bejeebus out of her!

Every single movie we've taken her to it has ended up me and her walking around the lobby for an hour and a half/two hours waiting for my son and wife to finish watching the movie.

I've stopped taking her to movies, it's one of the few points I put my foot down with my wife on.

The moment your kid begins to socialize on itself (=begins to really think for itself, mostly 7-8, when they've been at school for some time and have found some friends and gathered some experiences AND some proper social values learnt AT HOME) is where your influence starts to decrease anyway. I was surely scared when I watched Nightmare On Elm Street when I was 8, but that felt just right - it was a horror movie after all, so I guess that's the whole point of it. Watching a war movie will surely mean there is some severe violence involved, that's something every 8 year old kid can understand. And none of those kids will go out and start chopping heads after watching Conan, right?

I'm talking from my personal experience. Setting boundaries will just make kids more eager to see it. Not setting many and keeping an eye on your kid, along with lots of talking and evaluting will be rather helpful in the kid's development.

Digi, if your kid knew that you have that star wars movie on your PC, wouldn't it be tempted to watch it when you're not at home? Now I don't know about your specific case, but most kids surely would. And most of them get angry and frustrated for not being allowed to.

I'd explain the kid how violent/scary the movie is and what of that stuff is unrealistic and wrong. I'd explain him what sci-fi means. I'd maybe tell the kid it should not grab a sword and chop his classmates' heads off (though if the kid doesn't get that by itself yet, I'd prolly think that the parents did something terribly wrong) and so on. Discussion. Analysis. Learning. It really is that easy.
_xxx_ said:
Digi, if your kid knew that you have that star wars movie on your PC, wouldn't it be tempted to watch it when you're not at home? Now I don't know about your specific case, but most kids surely would.
No, that's one hard and fast rule that my entire family knows and follows well; do NOT play/touch Daddy's computer without first asking Daddy.

That was one of the stipulations they each got when they got their own PCs, that's one of the main REASONS why they all got their own PCs too! ;)

Besides, if I had it on my hard drive we'd be sitting here watching it together. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
John Reynolds said:
My wife and I took our 22-month-old daughter to Sea World last month. We sat down to watch the killer whale show and Megan seemed to be enjoying watching the whales come up out of the water. But then the music kept changing (to make the show more exciting I assume) and it became more intense, and the next thing I knew Megan was trying to climb up over me to get away from it. So we immediately left since she was obviously becoming upset. Did I censor my daughter?
My daughter has had that problem with movie theatres in general since forever, she just hates how loud and intense the sounds are and it scares the bejeebus out of her!

Every single movie we've taken her to it has ended up me and her walking around the lobby for an hour and a half/two hours waiting for my son and wife to finish watching the movie.

I've stopped taking her to movies, it's one of the few points I put my foot down with my wife on.

I can't stand that too, one of the reasons why I *never* go to the cinema.
John Reynolds said:
I don't know, not wanting your child to see people getting decapitated or losing limbs hardly strikes me as censorship. Is it censorship to keep your children away from war zones so they don't see people dying?
It isn't censorship if YOU decide that your daughter does not need to see it.
It icensorship if you do not get a choice - IE, being told that you CANNOT take your daughter to go see said movie.

You do not have the right to legislate your idea of "acceptable viewing for young children" onto tohers. That is censorship, imo. People need to parent better.

And Epicstruggle - apparently, your "epic struggle" is comprehending the difference between a child seeing a sexual/violent act and performing one.
Ummm, but you're censoring your daughter.

Its censorship from HER perspective.

Nasty, nasty, censorship!
Althornin said:
You do not have the right to legislate your idea of "acceptable viewing for young children" onto others. That is censorship, imo. People need to parent better.

And where exactly am I guilty of doing that? Though anyone who takes a single-digit aged child to Ep3 does indeed need to learn how to parent better. The PG-13 rating is merely a recommendation by the association for a suggested approriate viewing age. . .hardly censorship of the film itself.
You do not have the right to legislate your idea of "acceptable viewing for young children" onto tohers. That is censorship, imo. People need to parent better.

You can take your child to see any movie you want them to see except nc-17 in the united states which was i believe 2 moves in the last 10 years

G is fine for everyone , anyone can go see it , obviously a 5 year old isn't going to go to the movies themselves

pg means parents should be there but once again 10 year olds are not going to go to a movie themselves .

Pg-13 now it gets tricky but basicly unless your 13 you need a parrent or guardian .

R , unless your 17 or older you need a guardian .

I see no problem with this . I think they should apply it to video games as well .
Althornin said:
And Epicstruggle - apparently, your "epic struggle" is comprehending the difference between a child seeing a sexual/violent act and performing one.
I was trying to make an extreme example. If your daugther (age less than 10) wanted to express her self in a strip club, why are you censoring her?

Maybe i should not have tried such a over the top example, but i found the idea that parents not wanting to take their kids to see this movie as being censorship quite ridiculous.

to each his own i guess. :rolleyes:

Can people stick to the topic please? If you want to start a discussion about censorship, kindly do so in the RPSC forum.
Neeyik said:
Can people stick to the topic please? If you want to start a discussion about censorship, kindly do so in the RPSC forum.
my apologies for going off track with the whole censorship thing.

If i had kids less than 7. than no
older than 7, yes.
