John Reynolds said:
My wife and I took our 22-month-old daughter to Sea World last month. We sat down to watch the killer whale show and Megan seemed to be enjoying watching the whales come up out of the water. But then the music kept changing (to make the show more exciting I assume) and it became more intense, and the next thing I knew Megan was trying to climb up over me to get away from it. So we immediately left since she was obviously becoming upset. Did I censor my daughter?
My daughter has had that problem with movie theatres in general since forever, she just hates how loud and intense the sounds are and it scares the bejeebus out of her!
Every single movie we've taken her to it has ended up me and her walking around the lobby for an hour and a half/two hours waiting for my son and wife to finish watching the movie.
I've stopped taking her to movies, it's one of the few points I put my foot down with my wife on.