Titled Resident Evil Village, this new story is the sequel to 2017’s Resident Evil 7 biohazard, which was notable for being the first flagship Resident Evil title to put players directly in a hero’s shoes via a first-person perspective. In Resident Evil Village, players will take on the role of protagonist Ethan Winters as he pushes the limits of survival in a horrific village.
In addition to sticking to its deeply immersive first-person perspective, Resident Evil Village will feature an emphasis on action gameplay elements while setting the bar for next-gen survival horror. You can be sure it’ll look great too, with gorgeous photorealistic visuals made possible with Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine.
In addition to sticking to its deeply immersive first-person perspective, Resident Evil Village will feature an emphasis on action gameplay elements while setting the bar for next-gen survival horror. You can be sure it’ll look great too, with gorgeous photorealistic visuals made possible with Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine.