Wouldn't you think the FBI and CIA would have given the captured Al Qaeda member a polygraph before releasing the information to the public? I mean good grief. And they wonder why no one takes their alerts and warnings seriously anymore.
The officials said that a claim made by a captured al Qaeda member that Washington, New York or Florida would be hit by a "dirty bomb" sometime this week had proven to be a product of his imagination.
It was only after the threat level was elevated to orange — meaning high — last week, that the informant was subjected to a polygraph test by the FBI, officials told ABCNEWS.
"This person did not pass," said Cannistraro.
According to officials, the FBI and the CIA are pointing fingers at each other. An FBI spokesperson told ABCNEWS today he was "not familiar with the scenario," but did not think it was accurate.
Wouldn't you think the FBI and CIA would have given the captured Al Qaeda member a polygraph before releasing the information to the public? I mean good grief. And they wonder why no one takes their alerts and warnings seriously anymore.