RAID questions with new computer..


Im looking to build a new system from scratch here, however Ive got a few questions with RAID that Im hoping some people can help me out with here. Ive been using a computer for 3 years now and I feel I have a pretty good grasp of things. Ive only recently looking into a RAID solution and I feel that it would be a great addition for my needs. Below is a current list of what I have chosen for my new system along with links for more information on them.

Intel 2.4C
Abit IC7-G
OCZ PC4000 Dual Channel Kit (2x256)(TWO)
Maxtor 120GB 7200RPM SATA (THREE)

What I'm looking to do here is first overclock the Processor to 3.0GHZ thus allowing the ram to run at its rated 500mhz. I recently read an article on andantech which stated that this is the best configuration of ram (4x256) for performance. I realize it wont overclock as well but I shouldnt have any problems reaching 3.0 which is my target.

As for the Harddrives this is where my question comes in. I wish to run these three 120GB HDD's in a RAID array. (Undecided still on whether to use RAID 0,1,or 5. If anyone can make a suggestion I'd appreciate it) Im wondering if this will be possible with my current motherboard selection. It says its SATA compadible and RAID, however I once read an article which stated most motherboard come with software RAID and that software isnt as good as a RAID card. If this is indeed the case, can someone suggest a good RAID card, as well as HardDrive configurations (2, as opposed to 3 drives)? Ive also heard that RAID5 (I beleive) requires at least 3 drives, Is this the case?

To help the questions get answered im using the drives main portion for Digital Video. More specifically Im looking to capture 6+ hours of HuffyUV video then compress it later. I appreciate any answers you can give me.

In case you cant be bothered to read the whole thing, Ill list my questions below in a simple to read format.

-For my needs(Digital Video Editing), Should I run RAID0, RAID1, or RAID5

-Will RAID work on my motherboard/harddrive selections

-Is the motherboard I chose using Software RAID

-Should I use a RAID Controller card over Software RAID

-Can someone reccomend a good RAID card?

-Is my Harddrive selection a good one for my needs (3 HDD's @ 120GB each) (IE should i buy two 150 gig HDD's instead)

-Does RAID5 require 3 harddrive minimum?

-What kinda wattage powersupply am I looking at here? Id guess more than my current systems 400watt.

For reference, My current specs:

Pentium 4 1.8 Northwood-A
512megs PC800 Rambus
Abit TH7-II Motherboard (I-850)
Geforce 3 Ti550 Gainward Golden Sample
Audigy 1 Gamer
400 Watt Power Supply
40GB 7200RPM Maxtor
80GB 7200RPM Maxtor
RAID0 with 3 drives is only if you are brave or dont intend to hold anything crucial on the drives, the chances of failure are much increased. For digital video capture that doesnt seem a problem though. So this seems your best bet.

RAID5 with 3 drives would give the same throughput as a single drive which makes little sense for your application, RAID1-enhanced if you can find hardware which supports it would still give more reliability than a single drive at 150% of the throughput of a single drive ... as opposed to the 300 % for RAID0 though.

The ICH5 in principle only has 2 native SATA ports, on which it supports 2 way hardware RAID0. The other 2 SATA ports are handled by an independent controller. If you want hardware RAID with more than 2 drives you will need to rethink your setup ... you can just use win2k's striping for software RAID though, it should be plenty fast for capture (most controllers just provide software RAID in disguise anyway, unless you buy 3ware).
When you say chances of failure, why is RAID so prone to failure? and is it more prone than say a non-RAID setup? Why are the chances magnified when more drives are added? Also what exactly happens when a RAID configuration fails, is all data lost?

Also to help me understand here, RAID5 writes the data (in a two HD config) on both the harddrives. Wouldnt this result in a loss in half of your space? IE 500k file gets written to both disks therefore you lose 1000k, right?

Thanks for the info on ICH5, It looks like Ill have to be getting two of the 120GB harddrives then.

Another stupid question, can RAID0 be used on one harddrive?

Also If I were to use two 120GB Harddrives in a RAID0 configuration, Id still be able to create partitions right?
RAID0 -> 1 drive files, all data on array becomes useless. RAID1/5 can recover from a single drive failure.

Mirroring isnt RAID5, it is RAID1. RAID5 doesnt work on 2 drives, you can only use mirroring (RAID1) and striping (RAID0) on 2 drives. Mirroring indeed means you loose half your storage capacity, and no speedup at all! You would only do this for critical data.

With 3 drives RAID1-enhanced and RAID5 will loose you a third of your total storage capacity.
Ice[DDZ said:
]When you say chances of failure, why is RAID so prone to failure? and is it more prone than say a non-RAID setup? Why are the chances magnified when more drives are added? Also what exactly happens when a RAID configuration fails, is all data lost?

Also to help me understand here, RAID5 writes the data (in a two HD config) on both the harddrives. Wouldnt this result in a loss in half of your space? IE 500k file gets written to both disks therefore you lose 1000k, right?

Thanks for the info on ICH5, It looks like Ill have to be getting two of the 120GB harddrives then.

Another stupid question, can RAID0 be used on one harddrive?

Also If I were to use two 120GB Harddrives in a RAID0 configuration, Id still be able to create partitions right?

I think this link to the Hard Drive Reference Guide at

will answer most of your questions. The Chapter on Raid is linked.