Tag: Without wanting to be picky or anything...
There's one very fundamental difference between the R3xx and Rampage designs for this thing. The Rampage only had one unit per pipeline, while the R3xx got 2.
Doesn't sound signifiant? Sure, it isn't very signifiant. But in my eyes, 1 per pipeline is just unbalanced. Remember there were probably even less usage of pixel shaders & multitexturing at the time. One unit per pipeline would probably, and this is just a guestimate, give 25% of the fillrate hit of SSAA. Which is still considerable.
Although you mentionned some tricks they did for AF. They'd do some type of "performance AF" free in those conditions or something? If so, then obviously, it makes a lot more sense to me. Of course, in our time frame, that type of AF would be unaccaptable, but it'd have been an excellent overall design with that.
Also, I think saying "in stores April 2001" seems optimistic to me. I don't think they ever had Sage working. What proofs us they wouldn't have had more problems with it than with Rampage?
Yes, yes, I'm a pessimist, hehe
Still, even if they had one or two months delay ( I know I'm being picky here ) , I'd still have been impressive they had that in such a time frame.
Although as Xmas says, nVidia uses those 4 units per pipeline for Z rejects too, which is a nifty idea that Rampage doesn't have. But again, ATI found a very ingenious fix to that: Hierarchical Z. They don't need as many Z units with that!
Which really makes me think that this ideas in Rampage's case seem too reliant on an unrealistic wish for the developers to quickly move to many layers multitexturing and complex pixel shading.
Because that trick, even though it's very nifty, with only one unit, simply cannot stand few layers of texturing or no shading. And I'm thinking here that 3DFX thought developers would move quickly to shaders for a lot of things, making one unit loopback perfectly acceptable.
Something that didn't quite happen, as we all know.
Could be wrong, of course. This certainly tells that there were some amazing engineers at 3DFX - but does it mean Rampage would have benefited of that trick as much as the R300? Not at all, IMO. Kinda makes Rampage look as some type of heritage, hehe