This is a from-scratch GPU-based pathtracer created specifically for Quake 2. It has several optimisations which are only viable due to the typical characteristics of Quake 2 such as support for parallogram-shaped lightsources, BSP ray traversal, and special handling of sky 'surfaces' (portals). It doesn't officially have a name, but you can call it Raylgun.
Update Log
August 2017
- Improved sampling with blue noise dithering and Halton sequence sample points.
- Added TAA (temporal anti-aliasing) using raytracing to detect disocclusions, rather than colour history or G-buffer data.
- Added support for moving lightsources attached to level objects such as elevators.
- Added bump mapping, with bumpmaps generated on start-up from diffuse texture brightness.
- Added Simple Reinhard tonemapping with exposure control, and a gamma correction parameter.
- Added specular reflections of light sources and indirect lighting.
- The player's own weapon no longer casts shadows on the level geometry (it can still receive shadows, and it still casts shadows on itself).
- Fixed a significant slowdown caused by GL buffer usage flags, in relation to dynamic entity lights.
- Added more console variables.
- Fixed numerous minor bugs.