Q6600 mboard question


theres a mboard for sale but the shops website says you need to update the bios for it to support a quad core
question: If a had that board + a q6600 how would i get it to boot so i could flash the bios ?
is it a case that it will work ok but only be recognised as a dual core or will it not work at all ?

the reason i ask is in the faqs there is something similar

q: my pc wont boot with board x + a core2 duo

and the official answer is :
"board x came out before there were any core2's out to support core 2 duo's you must flash the bios
to do this you must boot using an older cpu
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All depends on what they had to change in the bios. Most boards I've seen will post alright with the quad-core without the bios flash, but may act flaky when exercising all the cores. I think some of the new BIOS update merely contains the Intel microcode update patches for the TLB issue.
Thanks its just that official reply in the faq that states you'll need to use a different cpu to perform the flash
(ok its a different cpu, but it is the same problem more or less)
heres the official answer in its entirety :

As this motherboard was launched before Intel Core 2 processors was released, the corresponding microcodes were forced to be updated after the release of these CPUs. Though most P5W DH Deluxe motherboards come with up-to-date BIOS with new CPU microcodes capable of supporting Intel Core 2 processors, there may still be a small quantity of motherboards out on the market without this update.

This problem can be resolved by updating BIOS to 0604 or later.

Please use a non-Core 2 processor to boot and perform this BIOS update

The latest BIOS can be found at http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?SLanguage=en-us&model=P5W DH Deluxe
If your BIOS happened to be earlier than 0604, and have no non-Core 2 processor in hand, please contact your reseller (place of purchase) for BIOS
exchange service.
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