Purchase Decisions Help (Power Supply)


I currently have Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 clocked @ 333x9 - 3000MHz. Computer Full tower complete System.

I currently have Antec TruePower Trio 550 550W w/ 8pin EPS12V Connector
* Brand: Antec
* Model: TP3-550

Will this power-supply be enough to supply enough power in long term with combine upcoming AMD RV670 GPU that I planned to get.

Which type of Power Supply would somebody recommend for non-crossfire system for long term use!
Yes, with a big if. That if being whether or not your PSU actually holds up. I can't tell you how many TruePower Trios I've had to RMA because they were DOA or had horrible rail regulation.
I agree that many of the newer TruePower Antec's seem to have "issues", but it alos seems to be hit or miss -- sometimes they die, sometimes they're fine.

About four months ago when my Antec TruePower 480 gave out, I purchased an XCLIO 600W. They're a brand new name here in the states, but they get excellent reviews and they're priced very competitively. Mine is a triple-rail, active PFC (85%), modular unit with a single 140mm fan for uber-quiet heat dissipation under big load, and it cost me like $80 brand new from NewEgg. (They're more expensive there now :( )

Fantastic unit with zero complaints from me. I love the modular cabling; it makes your case SO much cleaner. And it still has the 20+4 pin setup along with all four PCI-E connectors, so you can run SLI on a brand new rig or you can still use it on an old S478 rig like mine :)

NewEgg link for reference:
I thought you might have replaced them with another make if you were getting so many failures that you considered them completely unreliable. I was interested in what make you found to be more reliable.

Silverstone. I have never seen a failed Silverstone PSU. Enermax, PC Power & Cooling, OCZ, FSP/Sparkle are all excellent brands as well, which I have had very good luck with over the years.
Silverstone. I have never seen a failed Silverstone PSU. Enermax, PC Power & Cooling, OCZ, FSP/Sparkle are all excellent brands as well, which I have had very good luck with over the years.

For myself, I would certainly prefer Enermax or OCZ over Antec. There's been so many bad experiences with Antec all over the internet, I wouldn't go near them.

I also had an interesting experience with one of their marketing managers when I emailed to ask if one of their cases was available without a PSU installed. Basically over the course of a few email exchanges, he told me that I didn't know anything about anything, and that even if I already had the same Antec PSU, I was expected to throw it away and buy a second one if I wanted the case. It was some policy so that they wouldn't get complaints about their "silent" cases being noisy when people put noisy PSUs in them.

After mailing to say "thanks, then it looks like you don't sell what I require", I got email insisting that I needed their PSU regardless of what I wanted. :rolleyes: I've decided other companies make better products that cost less and don't come with expensive bits you don't want and no longer have any interest in spending my money on Antec products.
Although I must say the new Quattro line likes quite nice, especially since they're using the same OEM (Enhance) as Silverstone.
For myself, I would certainly prefer Enermax


Enermax claims the Infiniti's efficiency is between 82 and 85%, but our own testing doesn't quite bear that out. The Infiniti certainly isn't wildly inefficient, though. http://www.techreport.com/articles.x/13271/12

I probably would not go with Enermax :(


Antec looks better :)
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My favourite PSU at the moment is the Corsair 620HX. I can recommend it to anyone barring they want to run 8800 GTX in SLI with many harddrives or other components. In a very lean system, it could power 8800 GTX SLI just fine.
My favourite PSU at the moment is the Corsair 620HX. I can recommend it to anyone barring they want to run 8800 GTX in SLI with many harddrives or other components. In a very lean system, it could power 8800 GTX SLI just fine.

I believe these are rebadged Seasonics, also a great manufacturer of PSUs.
I would look at a PSU reviews for Jonnyguru and take his advise.
I wouldn't. A reviewer who rates "aesthetics" but doesn't even mention noise... rofl.

Oh, wait... he does mention that it was "quiet" (yep, that's it, one word). That would be a first for Enermax. Since the smaller Infinity PSU's most certainly don't qualify as "quiet", I doubt the 720W one does.