PSP pricecut coming?

What's the current RSP of the basic pack in the US? And does it actually sell at that price in the real world?

Around here it has been a typical 'big chains cheaper than on-line' type of product where it's 'always' available at ~$190 and occasionally as low as ~$130 (RSP is ~$260, all prices +VAT). Edit: I ask since I'm wondering whether this may eventually translate to lower retail prices elsewhere as well.
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this must be what you are talking about :smile: i might consider it when i buy psp in near future (temptations growing!)

i need to know best memory sticks now :devilish:

I have that case, it's quite sturdy. It gets scratched but I don't care as it's cheap enough to replace if you shop around (just seen it on sale for 10 bucks US).

As to memory sticks, get SanDisk. They're quite a bit cheaper than Sony ones. I got a 2 Gig stick for 30 after rebate. Not too bad. 4 Gig sticks are coming down in price and should plummet once 8 Gig sticks are released.
bought myself a gigapack today (because other SKUs were not available :cry:)

the square button is as good as other buttons which is surprise, but i think there is problem with R button :mad:

this must be what you are talking about :smile: i might consider it when i buy psp in near future (temptations growing!)

i need to know best memory sticks now :devilish:

Actually, Sony now sells a case that's similar to the logitech one, but also has room for 2 UMD discs and 2 MemorySticks. Additionally, it has a screen protector and rubber standoffs to keep the case from getting scuffed up as much. Here it is at Amazon:

I had the Logitech case, but it eventually became so beat up that I decided to replace it with this instead. I like the ability to carry three discs around with me, as that's generally enough while traveling.

i found this interesting article on kotaku just this morning. seems like the psp is some sort of comeback.

Since it's launch Sony has shipped more than 25 million of the portable gaming devices and at least one analyst predicts that will hit 29 million by the end of the year.

And with the recent drop in price, the PSP has already seen a 300 percent increase in sales. This jump in sales, be it a temporary spike or a signs of things to come, comes with the surprising news that the UMD movie format is also making a bit of a recovery.As we approach the heart of 2007, Sony sees this as being the year of the Playstation Portable, a year that saw a price drop and return of the UMD, a year that is seeing a change in the portables marketing and a year that will see a slew of major PSP announcements.

"In 2005 we launched the product, last year about establishing the software," said John Koller, senior marketing manager for the PSP. " think this is going to be the year for PSP, I think it's going to be a fantastic year for it.
A very very good year."

Koller said decision to drop the Playstation Portable to $169 was threefold.

"We got some cost savings out of the product, and we wanted to pass that on to the consumers," he said. "The second reason was we looked at the Wal-Mart experience over black Friday, that was really a good point to go to that price point. Lastly, we are really trying to promote the PSP heavily toward the 13 to 17 consumer group."

That new, younger market that Sony is shooting for is one that has seen a significant increase in the past year, Koller said. In fact, 13 to 17-year-olds are the largest group of PSP owners.

"I think that goes back to content," he said. "A lot of the games that have launched have done a lot to target that group on its own."

"The campaign we are including with the price drop is called Dude, Get Your Own," he said. "We've seen an increase in sales immediately."

In the the first two days following the PSP's price drop there was a 300 percent increase in the number of the portables sold.
And with that increase among teen gamers has come a jump in the amount of downloading. Video is the top type of download, with music coming in at number two, Koller said.

While the interest in downloadable content is at an all-time high, Koller still declined to talk about when or if Sony will be launching its own store for content.

Koller was able to talk about UMD, a format I and many gamers and writers thought was dying. Not only is Sony not thinking of ditching the format, it seems to be making a come back.

UMD movie sales were actually up 35 percent from 2005 to 2006, Koller said. And that jump in sales enticed Target to bring the format back to their stores.

And games too are attracting attention, with more developers creating original content for the portable.

"Our greatest successes take place when publishers and developers recognize the value of the PSP owner as a PSP owner not repurposing a title," Koller said. "We've actively encouraged third parties in that direction."

The upcoming God of War title for the PSP is a good example of that, he said. It will be unique to the PSP, offering an extension of the plot that made the first two games such a success.

"I think you're going to see a lot more of that," he said. "I think third party is starting to understand the value of doing that."

Riding a wave of increased interested, higher sales and better titles, Sony plans to make some big announcements about the PSP in the near future.

"There will be some major PSP announcements this year," he said, "they will be coming over the course of the next few months."
The problems with UMD movies are the price and the inability to watch them on anything but the PSP. If one or both of these issues were solved, it would improve their viability considerably.
Yes, not bad, here the one-on-one dollar to euro conversion counts in our favor. ;)

Especially nice though is the new prices for Killzone, Loco Roco, Tekken, Ridge Racer 2 and MotoGP. These are all pretty awesome games. Tekken and Loco Roco I had already bought and are in my top three of best games on the system, and MotoGP and Killzone I was holding back on waiting for a price reduction. Ridge Racer 2 is great especially if you didn't have the first one yet (I do, so I won't pick it up yet, unless maybe in the future to play multiplayer).