PS2 Demos are getting somewhere: Auro for laura

Berserk said:
Damn, very stylisch indeed! I like the large metallic balls with spikes, very beautiful. These guys have talent and I find this demo way more impressive than the demo that came with my PS2 "The find My ow Way" demo that also reacts on music. But how did they make the demo? With the Linux kit?

I also like the music of the video, Does someone know the title of the song or the techno band that made it so I can download it from Kazaa?

Sounds like Aphex Twin to me.
Thorsten/Soopadoopa made the music as well as the graphics. He was in the group "Purple" earlier. I have not been able to find any of his music. The demo is made by tools from the ps2dev community. It requires a modded ps2, or at least enough stuff to run pukklink.
pretty cool... personally i still like "find my own way" better, but that comes down to taste. this is much more advanced that's for sure....
Eg the kaleidoscope effect is not something you would get for cheap on a x86-NV arch.
Pulled off without a hitch in MotoGP 2. In fact, the Xbox is very good with filter effects.


Ah, I see what effect you're talking about now. Who knows... heh
DeathKnight said:
Eg the kaleidoscope effect is not something you would get for cheap on a x86-NV arch.
Pulled off without a hitch in MotoGP 2. In fact, the Xbox is very good with filter effects.


Ah, I see what effect you're talking about now. Who knows... heh

WHAT effect did u think he was talking about? :LOL:
Taken from the PC demo (effect is the same on Xbox):


I said that before the video download was finished because I didn't know that the k-scope effect they were using was actually with cubes.
I'm sure it will look much better in motion, but that just looks dreadful....
and how does that look like a Kaleidoscope??? :LOL:
looks more like a ripply-weird-pixel-shader-cut-and-paste-job....
Huh? The special effects are actually pretty neat in the game. Download the demo and see for yourself. The little lenses on the screen there rotate around the center of the screen.
yeah i get it how it works, it's been done before u know...
its just that that pic u posted is just ugly.
as i said, i'm sure it looks better in motion though...
yeah... not only that... i mean i can count the colours used on 2 hands... then they say ps2 games have no colors... (or something like that)
london-boy said:
yeah... not only that... i mean i can count the colours used on 2 hands... then they say ps2 games have no colors...
That effect does repeat the pixels, so it will inherently reduce the colors. Wonder if it is a pixelshader or cpu-framebuffer effect (yeah, the pc can do software rendering too ;) )