Propose threads which you think should be part of the B3D Hall of Fame


Artist formely known as Vysez
We introduced this new forum recently: Beyond3D Hall of Fame: Consoles

The principle is quite simple, we'll copy and/or move there threads that are particularily read worthy and/or interesting. Obviously, we're talking about interesting threads from a technical point of view only, speculation threads included.

And since we're community, there's no particular reason for having mods as the only ones who could propose threads to be contender to the B3D Hall of Fame.
In other words, feel free to post in this thread links to the threads you think are worthy of the HOF. If the thread is short and/or of quality from start to finish, there's little to no need for you to post any argument or comments with the link. On the other hand, if the thread is really long and the good part of the discussion starts only later on, or that the thread is filled with static to go with the interesting part of the debate, make sure that you point that out in your reply, or else we might dismiss the thread too fast.
I needed, we will edit the first post of a thread and add a link to the page/post when the interesting discussion starts in that thread, or we will point out that posts were pruned from the original thread, for readability reasons when we copied the thread into the HOF.

As you can imagine we can't rely on a vote system for choosing which threads will be part of the HOF and which won't. We, the moderators, will pick the threads based on everybody's submissions.

This submission period is not limited in the time, so feel free to post in this thread anytime you stumble upon an interesting thread. Same thing, people who are readers only of our forums, and who found a thread worth reading via Google, or other, should not hesiate to register a forum account just to post that link. It's not a "senior member only" kind of thing.
hm... how about these? They had some good posts by devs and programmers alike.

What "exactly is the cost of Xenos AA?

Will tiling in 360 allow reaching 60fps performance?

Why isn't TBDR used anymore?

Xbox 360 Uncloaked eBook

Xenos Hardware Tesselator

Joshua's Next Next Gen thoughts

Big discussion on Valve & tiling
(there are some neat posts towards the yours *nudge* :p)

Of course, the threads kinda steered away from the OT. ;)
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Ok, we finally got around to put some stuff into the Console Hall of Fame forum. Kudos to Farid for copying the stuff. Mind you, this is but a first small selection. We will add some stuff sooner or later.