Proof they blew up WTC 7

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Its amazing how it all lines up: An arrow pointing directly to the fact that some people just won't accept reality, and insist on trilateral commisions and shadowy illuminati, pulling strings for unknown reasons.
so, Russ if you are so sure (not implying that I would think that link nor the official story to be fully true... as it is usual, truth lies between the two extremes.), would you like to tell us, who eventually shot JFK and is Elvis really dead?

and talk about skeletons at the closet, the official word has been last sixty years that us, finns, only gave around 12-16 ppl to nazis' hands during Continuos War (1941-1944). Now it has been proved that real number is between 2 and 3 thousand (!!). It is not something I am proud of but I am hoping this to be the final truth.
It's so easy to make a lie or cover-up and avoid getting caught, most everybody has done so themselves at some point of their lives.
What makes the people on higher positions different from the rest of us.
If anything, a psychopatic personal type is often proved to be cabaple to manipulate the persons around, and reach influential positions in society.
Humus said:
So is this supposed to prove that 9/11 was set up by the government?

I'm not going to say that just because it'll do nothing but ruffle feathers, but the proof shows that on the day of 9-11 there were explosives already in WTC building 7. And with the owner of the WTC buildings on the video saying to "pull" building 7, it totally goes against what the Federal governments report said about the building collapsing due to fire in the basement. I think we've all seen documentary's on TV where it takes demolition crews days to properly set up explosives to tear down old buildings or sports arenas. It's just evidence that isn't corroborating with the "official" documents. Everyone has their theory's about 9-11, some different than others, but this is definitely something worth looking into.
No, it is not the same as WW2.

Finland took part in WW2 twice. Soviet Union attacked Finland in the fall of 1939; short-lived peace treaty was made in the next spring. This war is known as the Winter War. Some areas were lost, but invasion was avoided even without foreign military support.

In 1941, a new war started. This time, Germany was assisting. It lasted until 1944, with the regained areas lost again to USSR. However, invasion was still avoided. This is the Continuation War.

The peace terms required removal of the German forces from northern Finland - this required military action against the former allies. This is sometimes referred to as the War of Lapland, although there were no clear battle front lines.
diarrhea_splatter said:
Humus said:
So is this supposed to prove that 9/11 was set up by the government?

I'm not going to say that just because it'll do nothing but ruffle feathers, but the proof shows that on the day of 9-11 there were explosives already in WTC building 7.
I'm sorry, but "proof" does not come from arm chair conspiracists who know enough to cherry pick knowledge and present it such that they can pull the wool over other willing believers.
diarrhea_splatter said:
I'm not going to say that just because it'll do nothing but ruffle feathers, but the proof shows that on the day of 9-11 there were explosives already in WTC building 7. And with the owner of the WTC buildings on the video saying to "pull" building 7, it totally goes against what the Federal governments report said about the building collapsing due to fire in the basement. I think we've all seen documentary's on TV where it takes demolition crews days to properly set up explosives to tear down old buildings or sports arenas. It's just evidence that isn't corroborating with the "official" documents. Everyone has their theory's about 9-11, some different than others, but this is definitely something worth looking into.

Ok, so I looked over and over at these clips, but I don't see what you or the webpage are seeing. I'm not seeing any explosives going off.
Ok, so I looked over and over at these clips, but I don't see what you or the webpage are seeing. I'm not seeing any explosives going off.

:oops: You mean you can't see the green metallic discs hovering, shooting their laser beam thingys at the tower??
Humus said:
Ok, so I looked over and over at these clips, but I don't see what you or the webpage are seeing. I'm not seeing any explosives going off.
Only good thing to come out of that page was this link:

Some interesting stuff in there and quite a bit of information on the causes. Oh and it is a very technical report from just taking a quick look at certain sections.
thanks for the info WhiningKhan. We learn quite about the big picture of WW2, but sometimes details such as what you provided go amiss.

"a cleanup worker (in December 2001) refers to the demolition of WTC Building 6 when he says, "...we're getting ready to pull the building six."

Embarrassing as it is to admit... I worked at the Davis Besse power plant when I was 18 as a "cleanup worker".

We regularly said we were going to "pull a building"... All it meant was, we were going to pull the bags from the trash cans. :)
Humus said:
diarrhea_splatter said:
I'm not going to say that just because it'll do nothing but ruffle feathers, but the proof shows that on the day of 9-11 there were explosives already in WTC building 7. And with the owner of the WTC buildings on the video saying to "pull" building 7, it totally goes against what the Federal governments report said about the building collapsing due to fire in the basement. I think we've all seen documentary's on TV where it takes demolition crews days to properly set up explosives to tear down old buildings or sports arenas. It's just evidence that isn't corroborating with the "official" documents. Everyone has their theory's about 9-11, some different than others, but this is definitely something worth looking into.

Ok, so I looked over and over at these clips, but I don't see what you or the webpage are seeing. I'm not seeing any explosives going off.

Look at the video of WTC 7 being blown up, you can clearly see the explosions blowing out the windows of that building.
RussSchultz said:
diarrhea_splatter said:
Humus said:
So is this supposed to prove that 9/11 was set up by the government?

I'm not going to say that just because it'll do nothing but ruffle feathers, but the proof shows that on the day of 9-11 there were explosives already in WTC building 7.
I'm sorry, but "proof" does not come from arm chair conspiracists who know enough to cherry pick knowledge and present it such that they can pull the wool over other willing believers.

Sorry, but there isn't a conspiracy on this. If you cannot see that for yourself then maybe you're turning a blind eye. (shrugs)
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