PilotWings Set To Shock E3!


From CVG:

And you thought Mario kart was exciting? Rumour mill explodes as sources point to Rogue Squadron developer Factor 5 updating the Nintendo classic

17:42 Holy mackerel. Didn't see this one coming. Barely have we recovered from the shock of Mario Kart: Double Dash, than we're smashed full-on in the face and asked to consider the possibility of another Nintendo classic being updated for GameCube, with a surprise E3 showing just around the corner.
Remember Pilotwings? A brilliant first-party air-stunt title originally for SNES - which was the first truly amazing use of Mode 7 graphics - and a classy addition to N64's early oeuvre, heavy rumour now points to a GameCube version in the works.

"The word is that Nintendo will show Pilotwings developed by Factor 5 at E3," one inside source told us earlier today. Yes, Factor 5, developer of the brilliant Rogue Squadron series, a company with a proven track record of creating brilliant aerobatic software. Hubba hubba.

We contacted Nintendo for clarification, but a spokesperson would only say: "We cannot confirm anything at this time," which is far from outright denial, of course. Until we receive any official word about the title's existence, it's important to remain slightly sceptical, but the rumour is now increasingly gathering weight, and we find it impossible not to be dribbling all over ourselves at the prospect of a new Pilotwings.

As soon as we hear more, you'll be the first to know.

I really hope this is true! I absolutely loved Pilot Wings for N64.

Its a big suprise to hear that Factor 5 may be developing the game. If its true then I'll be looking forward to this game even more. Pilot Wings 64 was a beautiful game (my first for N64) and with Factor 5 dev'ing this version I'm sure it'll be absolutely stunning!
OMFG I absolutely adored both Pilotwings!

this would be really kewl, as this Pilotwings for GC would be coming 2 years after GC's launch (if it's out this fall) and about 3 years after GC's unveiling. if you recall both Pilotwings SFC and PilotWings64 were first generation launch games, and both were seen approx 1 year before the release of the consoles, when they were prototypes.
Yeah I read that too. Set to shock might be worded a little strong, but it's cool to see a new pilot wings. Although the N64 version wasn't as good as the snes version imo.
It sounds great and I hope it's true (I absolutely love Pilotwings. It's such a relaxing game :) ). CVG isn't what I would call a reliable source though so I will remain sceptical on this one.
Gotta agree with Mr Roach on this one, the original Pilotwings on the SNES was better than the rather brilliant N64 update.
I didn't like the N64 Pilotwings much at all...it was just too slow paced for me....and ordinarily I'm pretty willing to "take in the surroundings" when playing a game.

Maybe they should add some naked girls and machine guns :p
yea, its good news and all, but I dont see it blowing anyone away.

Pilot Wings is a great game for Factor 5 to show their technical expertise. With all those big open environments and a birds eye view. Also the game won't have many opponents on screen (unlike Rogue Leader/Rebel Strike) so that leaves more resources for the scenery. If Factor 5 do what we know they can do with this game, then it'll definitely blow me away.
Tahir said:
Gotta agree with Mr Roach on this one, the original Pilotwings on the SNES was better than the rather brilliant N64 update.

Oh my gosh ... Pilotwings on the SNES was god-like! I would kill for a proper remake, yes I would! Legacy Nintendo *bow*
I liked the first Pilotwings because it show cased the SNES' Mode 7. Nowadays 3d is ho hum though. Much more interested in F-Zero.