Passed my interview ....


Passenger on Serenity
I passed my interview to becoming a US citizen today. :) Ill take the oath on the 28th making it official. [insert happy dancing panda emoticon]


j/k Congratulations. Now, get your wife over here so you'll stop installing all those spy-cams in your customers' rooms. :p
epicstruggle said:
I passed my interview to becoming a US citizen today. :) Ill take the oath on the 28th making it official. [insert happy dancing panda emoticon]


Heh i would have been surprised if you didn't, you probably carry a litte star spangled banner in your wallet! ;)
John Reynolds said:

j/k Congratulations. Now, get your wife over here so you'll stop installing all those spy-cams in your customers' rooms. :p
Im actually leaving for south africa in the next week or two. Ill go there for a least 2 or 3 months. The last part of this immigration experience is getting her visa. Should take between 3 to 6 months. Sigh. Ill stay there for 3 months and she will come to canada for the last few months until she gets her visa. Better a 30 minute drive than a 24 hour flight.

lb:Im going to wear a shirt with a big US flag. Planning on being as rude as possible now. :p

epicstruggle said:
lb:Im going to wear a shirt with a big US flag. Planning on being as rude as possible now.


When you land at the airport, start singing the Star Spangled banner as loudly as you can. That's always a crowd pleaser with international crowds.
Damnit, I just know that now he's got past the Bushites at INS he's going to start flying his true flaming far-left Democrat colors starting on the 29th! :p

Congrats, Epic, on achieving a major part of your dream for your future. :D
And they said non-Americans hated America :p

Congrats Epic and good luck on getting the wife stateside.
epicstruggle said:
thanks. :) I think now ill be easing up on the RSPC forum, wont be as frustrated once Im with the wife. :oops:

Hmm. Who knows how much of the world's problems all come down to that kind of consideration? ;)
I wish my wife would hurry up and get her citizenship. You would figure that after being in the US for 28 years, being married and having a kid here she would finally get around to filing the paperwork, but NO!!! She wants to hang on to that South Korean citizenship, not that it's ever done her any good.

Congrats on making the grade Epic. Next up, Jury Duty!
epicstruggle said:
I passed my interview to becoming a US citizen today. :) Ill take the oath on the 28th making it official. [insert happy dancing panda emoticon]
Well don't worry man, you'll always be our favorite pet illegal immigrant here amongst us... :p
geo said:
Hmm. Who knows how much of the world's problems all come down to that kind of consideration? ;)
Not a chance - every one would end up fighting over who get's to go with epic's wife first. That is what you meant, isn't it Geo? :cool:
Neeyik said:
Not a chance - every one would end up fighting over who get's to go with epic's wife first. That is what you meant, isn't it Geo? :cool:

Please, Nick! You don't even have english as a second language as an excuse!

KIND noun: a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality

Clearly I meant those not lucky enough to go with one of Epic's other wives. :cool: