Pangya Golf Wii

I'm raised on Nintendo and a big fan at heart but seeing stuff like this get shown off on wii while MS while MS is waving around Mass Effect...
Mass Effect is a 2nd-generation X360 game. Wii hasn't even launched yet. Heck, we still don't know the actual launch date. Wii's launch library is at least as good if not better than X360's. At least it's got a full-featured version Madden. If Wii's launch titles are making you feel alienated, I'm surprised that the X360 launch didn't make you become a hermit.
Mass Effect is a 2nd-generation X360 game. Wii hasn't even launched yet. Heck, we still don't know the actual launch date. Wii's launch library is at least as good if not better than X360's. At least it's got a full-featured version Madden. If Wii's launch titles are making you feel alienated, I'm surprised that the X360 launch didn't make you become a hermit.

To be quite honest, the 360 launch was disastrous software wise. Launch day my roomate had it all set up, and I take a brake from playing GT4... go down and see PG3... am reassured that that is indeed the best looking game... then resume playing GT4 happier with my PS2 than I had been in months.

This is not about the launch titles.

I understand that simple, easy to play games are important to the industry and they are the future. Heck, somethings I feel like playing simple, easy to play stuff. That's why I have a DS. However, I'm in the demo Nintendo is leaving behind. Show me Resistance. Lots of art. Lots of atmosphere. Lots of challenge. Lots of narrative. I'm a seasoned gamer and I'm accustomed to getting more more more. Meanhile Nintendo is touting less less less. I wish them well on it but I'm personally not interested.
Since this topic is already safely on the offtopic side, I just want to add that just because you guys were unable to spot the good games out of the X360 launch lineup doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

-Condemned is a great game, almost everybody who has played it agrees on this.
-CoD2 at the time was very solid game averaging 90 on metacritic
-PGR3 is good
-Kameo is good
-King Kong was pretty good
-PDZ had it's moments, although I didn't like it myself, I still think that for a launch game it was ok
-Quake 4 is also atleast ok.

I was busy playing when the X360 launched.
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I'll admit to never playing Condemed, but I sampled the rest of that list and it's a whole lot of "ok". Not every system launches with a big "wow" game, but it sure doesn't hurt. Especially when I'm thinking PS3 is a year off and I'm considering a purchase!
Show me Resistance. Lots of art. Lots of atmosphere.

Well, obviously no Wii game will have textures as high-res as PS3 game, but Red Steel looks like "lots of art, lots of atmosphere." The Call of Duty series has always been notable for its atmosphere, and I doubt the Wii iteration Far Cry will be any less atmospheric than its predecessors. Splinter Cell is a port, but it does mean that Ubisoft is planning to support Wii with its mainstay "serious" franchises.

Lots of challenge. Lots of narrative.

Twilight Princess. Disaster: Day of Crisis. Square-Enix support.

I'm a seasoned gamer and I'm accustomed to getting more more more.
The next iterations of Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros and Battalion Wars look like they will up the ante over their predecessors in every way.
Meanhile Nintendo is touting less less less.
Wrong. Nintendo is touting more and more diversity. That means more games for serious gamers. More games for casual gamers. And more games for non-traditional gamers. You are focusing only on the games not targeted to you (and I'm still waiting for what you think about the existence Hotshots Golf, which directly competes with Pangya--is Sony leaving you behind by supporting this franchise). Like you, I'm completely uninterested in Wii Sports and Pangya...but I'm rational enough to ignore the titles that aren't targeted toward my demographic.

You just don't seem able to wrap your mind around a diverse library. Just like people who think Gamecube is just Mario games and Xbox is just FPS's, you think Wii is just arcade sports. Wii is launching with the largest and most diverse library of any console ever, and you can't focus on more than 3 or 4 games. If anything, Nintendo is in danger of over-saturating the market at launch rather than focusing too narrowly on one kind of gamer.