OW!!!! Sinus infection, headache HURTS!


I wasn't going to mention it, but I'm feeling all whiney about it and if I don't post up a thread about it I'll be bitching in every other thread I write in today. :rolleyes:

I have a sinus infection. No biggy, but the sinus headache associated with it is killing me!!! :?

It wouldn't be so bad if it was a constant pain, but it wanes and waxes based on way too many variables. If I lie flat on my back and it's quiet the pain will disapear entirely after about 5 minutes and will stay gone until I get up/roll over/cough/laugh/get tromped on by a puppy/the kids scream....then it feels like my right eyeball is being retracted into my head by some strange vaccum behind my face that is also tugging on a bloody tendril wrapped around some nerve endings in my brain.

The pain can literally hit white-hot intensity for me so bad that my vision dims a bit at the edges and I get nauseous....I'm just trying like hell to figure out ways to minimize that.

So that's my whine. With the bitter metallic taste of blood in my mouth from the nasty drippage I am trying like hell to ignore/shake this thing but it will just not die. I put up with it all day yesterday figuring it would go away, but it's worse today.

What to do?
i used to get sinus headaches so bad, i'd throw up. used to take shots 3 times a week. i grew out of it though. haven't had a sinus headache in 4 years...right after i moved here. i wonder sometimes, looking back, if they weren't actually migraines. seems that 1 constant in the picture was familial stress (2 faced, artificially self righteous, 'witches' accurately describe the females of my family).
Some guy told me if you press up on your eye socket, it would numb a headache. But I wouldn't try it, since it seems you may be screwing up some nerves.

Eh....makes me hurt thinking about it.
CMAN said:
Some guy told me if you press up on your eye socket, it would numb a headache. But I wouldn't try it, since it seems you may be screwing up some nerves.
Wow, that actually DOES help! Especially when a real nasty bad wave hits.

Thank you. :)

I don't get these much, maybe once or twice a year. My usual cure is to endure and whine. :rolleyes:
How bizarre - I've just been off work for a few days with exactly the same thing. I'd not had a sinus infection before this and my God, does it hurt; it still feels like my face has been punched in several days after the infection died down. I found that a combination of medication specifically for sinus troubles and eye massages helped the most!
Neeyik said:
How bizarre - I've just been off work for a few days with exactly the same thing. I'd not had a sinus infection before this and my God, does it hurt; it still feels like my face has been punched in several days after the infection died down. I found that a combination of medication specifically for sinus troubles and eye massages helped the most!
I just popped a guifinex (guisifane & sudafed) that should help, and I heard from a fellow parent at my local school that sinus infections are going around right now....but I don't think you live by me. :???:
there are some prescription antihistamines (deconomine?) that i took. they knocked you out though. at least after taking them you didn't have but about 15 minutes to endure though.

my general solution was take a pill get in a dark room and sleep about 3-4 hours.
Cartoon Corpse said:
my general solution was take a pill get in a dark room and sleep about 3-4 hours.
I'd love to do that, but I can't until tonight. (About 12 hours from now. :???: )

I had a buddy just drop off some special herbal medication he picked up recently on his trip to Florida. An extended break with the puppies outside whilst my daughter colored may not have improved the pain situation, but it sure changed my outlook on it and how I'm dealing with it......MUCH more relaxed.

I think I'm gonna go take the puppies and lie in bed for a bit with my daughter and watch some cartoons, she's actually been doing homework at the kitchen table for the last hour or so for fun and I think she needs a break.
1) I disapprove of dope smoking while being the sole guardian of a child.
2) Try Afrin (or one of the nasal spray decongestants). It is addictive, if you start using it very frequently, but I use it for the occasional sinus/allergy headache I get when the weather changes. It makes me slightly hyper, but it clears up the headache quick.
RussSchultz said:
1) I disapprove of dope smoking while being the sole guardian of a child.
My wife is home in bed resting, my daughter knows she can wake her if she needs anything. (My wife worked a 16 hour day yesterday, I try and let her sleep in on days after that)

2) Try Afrin (or one of the nasal spray decongestants). It is addictive, if you start using it very frequently, but I use it for the occasional sinus/allergy headache I get when the weather changes. It makes me slightly hyper, but it clears up the headache quick.
Nah, stuff that makes me hyper is a NOT GOOD thing. :???:

I had a beautiful 20 minutes lying on my back in bed next to me wife with all the puppies plopped around us and my daughter sitting on me watching TV, but I had to get up to cook her lunch and get her ready for kindergarten.
This girl I know says she always gets sinus infections, and always has since she was very young.

She said it felt very much like getting punched repeatedly right underneath her eyes...she also said she gets them so often that she's able to just ignore them now...crazy.

Hope you feel better Digi!
I get a sinus infection whenever I get a cold. It's a load of not fun.

Tea fixes everything.
Man, I just want some serious sack time where I don't have to worry about anything other than myself...and that sounds like the most selfish thing in the world to me. :oops:

It's over 70 degrees out in November here and I just dropped my daughter off at kindergarten and I have a glorious two hours of childfree time, but my wife just got up and mentioned how dirty her Z was and I think I'm gonna do something stupid and go give it a good wash with me time rather than pass out.

I figure if I pass out I'll just have to wake up again, and I doing that once a day is bad enough already! ;)
Ugh, the bugger just won't die! Yesterday was my bad day with it, today it isn't getting as intense as often. :???:

Damn it, I need a day off and I won't get one until I'm over it. :(
I am recovering from a nasty sinus infection also. I know of a lot of people who live near me that seem to have gotten the same infection on the same day. What a strange coincidence. The weird thing is I have a very healthy immune system; I can't remember the last time I was sick to this degree.