I dont care what political mouthpieces have to say. Plenty of criticism by ordinary iraqis is had all around in various interviews and they dont spare the US, France or any other western nation anymore than saddam in their verbal outlays.
Are you labelling the Iraqi mouth... spokesman an American puppet? Why, the American government never has stooped to such an obvious political play. You really must believe in conspiracy theories?!
We say we care about human right then we only apply it to one nation. This war was never about human rights.
Indeed. Though you must give the Western media credit in inflating Hussein's body count. Still, though, he's about 400,000 behind our current leader, the Rwandan leader Jean Kambanda with over 900,000 *confirmed* kills in less than three years. I took Hussein at least 20 to reach 400,000. Number 3, after Hussein, and a possible challenge to both so far looks to be the Bhurmese military, though no one can confirm as they are unable to scour Bhurma for mass graves as of yet.
Though, it is nice that the first two never escaped trial, which begs the question about the other major genocidal brute of the last 25-years, Suharto. Is he still alive?
The point here is the West talks the talk of civil rights, but time and history shows we going give a flying f*ck about them. Well, maybe we do, as long as the victims are white as we see happening with white 'farmers' in Zimbabwe. When the Rhodesian government was rounding up blacks into concentration camps (they called them 'protected villages'), no one lifted a finger at these obvious civil-rights abuses because the abusers were a) white, and b) the victims were not. But when the tables turned, and then whites fell victim to the result of history of largely their own making, they came crying. They were too selfabsorbed to see exactly what their government was doing, though that's not exactly unexpected, then they suddenly found themselves in hostile territory.