OE refuses to send my email w/o address book entry!

Guden Oden

Senior Member
All of a sudden OE's decided to start being a fucking bitch and won't send an email without me creating an address book entry for it first. I simply refuse to go through that bullshit each time I send a mail to some random guy - and random guys is who I usually send mail to; I don't really correspond using email.

And no thank you, I don't consider "switch to thunderbird!" a solution, because I check my hotmail accounts from OE so I still need to use this loser POS program, so don't reply with anything like this, please.

So in conclusion: where's the killswitch for this highly annoying "feature"? Thanks a lot in advance...
Well if'n I were you I'd slap this OE guy around silly until he kicks out your mail.