nVidia's NV2?



Does anybody know anyone who has a NV2 chip and/or prototype board? I would love to write some code on the chip to test it out, plus I have something I need to try on it.

Any info on NV2 would be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Wow thats a big ask
for those of you who dont know (if someone like that exists on this board) the nv2 was the chip intended to power the follow-up to the sega saturn by all accounts the chip was dreadfull didnt support triangles but forward-rendered quads. (which everyone except nvidia hated)

sega couldnt or wouldnt (honouring a contract ect) cancel but decided the chip was going to power its new childrens computer toy instead
as far as i know nvidia could never get the chip to work and the deal fell apart

if you really want to try a nv2 (what would you program it in certainly not direct x) i would think your only hope is to get a nv1(Diamond Edge 3D) as by all accounts nv2 was just an improved version..
I'm aware that it's a very hefty job, getting the chip. But I'm serious, I have some source code for the NV2 console thingy (some game), and I can't run it because I don't have the chip.

Theoritically I could write an emulator or put an NV1 + a microcontroller on a board and program the microcontroller to simulate the improved functionality, but for that I'd still need docs, which afaik were all under NDAs. But if anyone has any info about that, it would be awesome.

I bet some chip designer or someone in managment kept a proto or two of the chip. I mean, why not?

Also, the chip was called Mutara V08, for some reason.