NV40 or ATI

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Since it's pretty obvious this thread is going to get derailed, whats your favorite topping for a hotdog ?

I personally like red onions and mustard. :LOL:
Waltar said:
Since it's pretty obvious this thread is going to get derailed, whats your favorite topping for a hotdog ?

I personally like red onions and mustard. :LOL:

Shadeposeys and relish .
Waltar said:
Since it's pretty obvious this thread is going to get derailed, whats your favorite topping for a hotdog ?
Personally, anything goes good on a hot dog coming from hot fog johnny's in buttsville, PA
Waltar said:
Since it's pretty obvious this thread is going to get derailed, whats your favorite topping for a hotdog ?

I personally like red onions and mustard. :LOL:

Ketchup and mustard.
Shadeposer said:
Well I choose/chose Nvidia ,simply because nvidia has always been my home,granted I do not know alot about "overclocking" or what makes the jaggd egdes go away.
But I do know that when I log into a game that nvidia will carry the graphics and make me say "wow".
I guess the most dangerous attitude that a competition should is a lax one or a "that looks better".
Well the average consumer can't and can does go by what is posted by some "nerds"(in most casess HEROS).
Back to Nvidia.......and thats where I stay.

The first line made me laugh.

"Good morning! What will be for eating?"
"The roast beef. And for you, Twisp?"
"These beefs are tender. And the exuberance?"
Waltar said:
Since it's pretty obvious this thread is going to get derailed, whats your favorite topping for a hotdog ?

I personally like red onions and mustard. :LOL:

mustard, cheese, and wolf brand hot dog chili.

best on a all beef cosher frank washed down with an ice cold Frostie root beer
Wilbur's Wiener Works. The footlong with brown mustard and red onions. And the fries are enough to feed three people all by themselves, with malt vinegar to go on them. And they sell Guiness too.
fallguy said:
Does this mystify anyone else?
No, the influx of clueless fanboyisms no longer baffles me. It still irritates, though.

Good reference, TB. :)

shadeposer, in case you're actually inclined to do more than post and run, I'm curious about one thing: how often do you buy video cards, how much do you usually pay, and what card are you using right now?

BTW, this is the second post I've read in as many days that refers to other forum-dwellers as "nerds." I'd like to know what other kind of person finds their way to an online forum on 3D graphics. Ignorant nerds?
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