Now what do you call this?

I dunno. if I had an erection for six hours I'd want to show it off. The idea of charging admission would be a natural progression of the situation I think. Besides, something like that can build quite a reputation, if you follow the vernacular.
MightyPez said:
I dunno. if I had an erection for six hours I'd want to show it off. The idea of charging admission would be a natural progression of the situation I think. Besides, something like that can build quite a reputation, if you follow the vernacular.
Six hours?? I think I have at least 2h erections most every morning.
6h, I'd hardly call that a tourist attraction.
Edit: I just read the article, and it was six days not 6 hours.
WOW and i was gonna overlook this thread, thinking "oh, another political-was-on-iraq-gay-marriage thread"....

Anyway, 6 days is a bit too much, i'm not sure if it's good for it... And by the way, he would only be proud if it's a substantial...errr... thing
I mean u wouldn't wanna show off a pencil-style erection, even if u could keep it up forever and ever...
london-boy said:
WOW and i was gonna overlook this thread, thinking "oh, another political-was-on-iraq-gay-marriage thread"....

You know what kind of threads I start... ;)
rabidrabbit said:
MightyPez said:
I dunno. if I had an erection for six hours I'd want to show it off. The idea of charging admission would be a natural progression of the situation I think. Besides, something like that can build quite a reputation, if you follow the vernacular.
Six hours?? I think I have at least 2h erections most every morning.
6h, I'd hardly call that a tourist attraction.
Edit: I just read the article, and it was six days not 6 hours.

I caught that. Unfortunately, posting at 2:30 am causes me to think one thing and type another.
Tagrineth said:
london-boy said:
Anyway, 6 days is a bit too much, i'm not sure if it's good for it...

No, it isn't.

No oxygen gets to it while it's standing at attention.

not to mention the guy wouldn't be able to urinate during that time and 6 days w/o taking a pee is a bit too much.
I wonder if we will see this happen more often with ciallis coming out. If i remember the commercial correctly, it warns of erections that last longer than 6 hours.
