1. Where did I say I would be using this to replace my 1GB MP3 player?
I never said I was going to replace my MP3 player in the PSP thread, you're the one who started bringing it up in the argument against using the PSP as a multimedia device.
2. If it's $100 and come bundled with the Play-Yan, I don't have to spend even more money to turn it into a video player since I already own a 1GB SD card.
That's nice dear, I'm pointing out your original flawed argument when you said the PSP "didn't work out of the box" as a video and sound playing device because you "had" to buy an extra stick of memory. I don't see you crying about that here with Nintendo's solution, WHAT A SHOCK.
And "if" it's $100? Can't use assumptions in an argument PC-E
And what about for people who DON'T own a 1GB SD card? So Play-Yan is the better hardware for everyone ... because
you've got a 1GB SD card?
3. With PSP I'd be spending in the neighborhood of $375 just to be able to match my 1GB flash MP3 player in capacity. It still needs to match it in portability and sound quality and features.
Why aren't you complaining about the Play-Yan's lack of features, or terrible video quality, yet you're ragging on the PSP like no tomorrow? Could it be.. because you're terribly biased? No!!!
Again Nintendo isn't claiming multimedia playback OOTB and this could very well be just an optional addon. If it's bundled then I personally would prefer no memory card in the package at all since I doubt they'll include a 1GB variety.
Well they're certainly claiming multimedia playback out of the Play-Yan box, except.. oh wait.. you need to buy a GBA/DS for it.. oh.. and a memory card as well.
Again, this doesn't seem to bother you at all, yet previously you were complaining about having to buy extra things for the PSP and about the "quality" of its playback - er, have you checked how many colours GBA can display lately?
If they include a 32MB card then it's pretty much USELESS while adding to the overall cost.
32Mb card was not useless at all - if you want to think it was only for MP3, then fine, it's limited, but the PSP uses it as a memory card for GAMES as well - if it makes you feel better, you can think of the 32Mb card as a pack-in that you can use for games, and then you can use the WHOLE of your 1GB card for MP3s/video! Huzzah!! Wipe away those tears PC-Engine, it's just a matter of perspective!