Ni-oh third person (Demons/Dark Souls Ninja Gaiden-ish) [PS4]

I'm really enjoying the Last Chance test. After few troubling encounters with the Ogress boss, I finally unleashing the full power of my legendary samurai fighting skills:

This guys seems to be enjoying a ton and seems to have deciphered the game. He says it's better than a souls game. Souls games have unmatched atmosphere , IMO, but he seems to be finding it more engaging in all its systems. New game rush maybe or actualy a better more enjoyable game?

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What is this, the third great PS4 game in 2017? My first 2017 game will be Horizon, but I'll have some excellent choices later this year to pull from.
What is this, the third great PS4 game in 2017? My first 2017 game will be Horizon, but I'll have some excellent choices later this year to pull from.

More like the fourth if not the fifth actually. RE7, Gravity Rush, Yakuza, Nioh, Tales of Berseria (not my cup of tea, but people seem to enjoy it a lot)
Too many games. Too little time. Horizon is right around the corner as well. It's like the holiday season, only in spring. I sincerely hope all contenders will find their audiences and do well. They all seem to deserve it a great deal.
So awesome to see this massive quality push from Japan. Seems like they all wisened up and decided to stop pandering to that imaginary demographic which supposedly wanted to play Japanese games had they only been ruthlessly Westernized.
It's nice to have games not just released Oct-Dec. I guess Santa doesn't give me games, so I like the ability to buy new ones throughout the year.
I got this one and well, it's fucking tough!!! Loving it though, the faster frame rate compared to Bloodborne really helps even though it doesn't look as good.
That combat is going to take me a while to really get to grips with!
If only this game has a casual mode for mortals like me:) as I like the enemy design and combat system, but gonna have to let this one go since it's apparently even harder than Souls game. I just don't have the time and patience for hardcore challenges such as that.
Maybe I'm just older and have less patience but DAMN I died 40 times (there's a counter) in the first level!
Yeah the game looks like a lot of fun, but also very difficult. I've lost my patience and time for these kind of games at my age. I'd usually be all over this type of game.

Sales seem to be pretty strong though, at least in the UK. Debuted at #1 for software revenue and #2 in units sold. Very good considering it's a pretty niche title and it's a PS4 exclusive. The reviews and the fact that it's very much like DS probably has a lot to do with it.
Dude who reviewed the game for our site said that it starts out really tough, but gets a lot more manageable later on. A lot more manageable than Dark Souls III as a matter of fact.