New Umbrella Chronicles Shots, Trailer

After watching that trailer it got me thinking. Since Capcom had to convert a lot of the previous 2D assets into 3D now, what is the chance they'll remake the previous RE games into full blown 3D games? Is it too much work for too little gain? I'm guessing the conversion work wouldn't be too difficult because the CG generated 2D backgrounds from the previous games had to be built up from scratch in a 3D modeling program anyway right?

It would be pretty nice if they remade all of the previous games using the RE4 Wii engine. It might even be cheaper than a brand new RE game using the same engine. Maybe even sell it as a box set. :D

How much time and cost do you think is required to go back and convert all of the environments and integrating them into the RE4 Wii engine? Would it require more resources than building a brand new RE game using a RE4 Wii engine? Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have a brand new RE game using the RE4 Wii engine, but in the mean time remakes using the RE4 engine would hold me over until then.
Don't miss the all-new gameplay footage from the big Capcom event!
Certainly nice-looking, but holy CRAP is the aiming jittery! o_O Hopefully they work on that, provide sensitivity tweaking, or figure out some way for things to remain much more solid.

Light gun games, by and large, were nowhere near that twitchy. If they have to design it around a Wiimote held out in one hand only, they'll need to keep certain things in mind.

If they have their druthers, though, they'll provide a controller shell to attach your Wiimote to and let you wield it like a gun. ;)
Nintendo showed a gun controller shell mockup awhile back but they should really release it in time for this game, if not Capcom should release a gun shell similar to when they did the fullblown chainsaw controller. OTOH maybe Nintendo will release the shell alongside the new Duck Hunt game? Anyway this game is actually ending up with a good amount of content for a on-rails shooter with 15-20 hrs of gameplay. That's huge for a HoTD type game. I remember being able to finish HotDII in about 2 hrs.
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Certainly nice-looking, but holy CRAP is the aiming jittery! o_O Hopefully they work on that, provide sensitivity tweaking, or figure out some way for things to remain much more solid.

Either that, or you'll have to learn how to point with a steady hand.

Light gun games, by and large, were nowhere near that twitchy.
If they had a lightweight gun and displayed a reticule onscreen showing exactly where you were pointing, they would have been.
After watching that trailer it got me thinking. Since Capcom had to convert a lot of the previous 2D assets into 3D now, what is the chance they'll remake the previous RE games into full blown 3D games? Is it too much work for too little gain? I'm guessing the conversion work wouldn't be too difficult because the CG generated 2D backgrounds from the previous games had to be built up from scratch in a 3D modeling program anyway right?

It would be pretty nice if they remade all of the previous games using the RE4 Wii engine. It might even be cheaper than a brand new RE game using the same engine. Maybe even sell it as a box set. :D

How much time and cost do you think is required to go back and convert all of the environments and integrating them into the RE4 Wii engine? Would it require more resources than building a brand new RE game using a RE4 Wii engine? Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have a brand new RE game using the RE4 Wii engine, but in the mean time remakes using the RE4 engine would hold me over until then.

Good question.

I wonder that too. I d also LOVE to see the old resis remade in 3D. 1 and 2 were exceptional in their time. Probably had the best enviroments, sountrack and monsters
If they had a lightweight gun and displayed a reticule onscreen showing exactly where you were pointing, they would have been.
So all the light gun games where you're using a lightweight gun and it's displaying an onscreen reticule and NOT twitching like crazy are doing what, exactly? Some of them do behave that way, certainly, and many of them get around it by not having a constantly-updating reticule on during the main game.

You do, however, tend to have your other hand available to brace, and can sight down the barrel (even at an oblique angle), which is natural and automatic with a "gun shape," but not so much with the way you'll hold a Wiimote. Especially since holding the controller flat to the screen puts your hand in a position where it automatically wants to bend back up to a natural resting position.

Hence my desire for them to work up a proper attachment, which would solve much of it. And if not, they'll pretty much HAVE to turn off that reticule or seriously adjust the sensitivity, because it got to be headache-inducing even just in that short clip.
Hence my desire for them to work up a proper attachment, which would solve much of it. And if not, they'll pretty much HAVE to turn off that reticule or seriously adjust the sensitivity, because it got to be headache-inducing even just in that short clip.

There's already word of the attachment being released coinciding with Umbrella Chronicles.
There's already word of the attachment being released coinciding with Umbrella Chronicles.
Eeeeexcellent... :smile:

The IGN preview said you control the camera with the thumbstick, so it's on-rails movement, but not fixed camera.
Would be a bit odd for a full rails design, as your movement would be locked, and they're all supposed to be about dramatic camera shifts and "surprises" like that. If you're going to allow free camera moving, then you might as well have your design more like Dead Aim and be inherently free. Otherwise the elements will butt heads with each other.
If you're going to allow free camera moving, then you might as well have your design more like Dead Aim and be inherently free. Otherwise the elements will butt heads with each other.
We don't know that the camera movement is a full 360 degrees, that it's always free, or that the game is otherwise designed in such a way that this is a problem. The universally positive previews would indicate that the elements don't butt heads with each other. Remember, one's inability to imagine something does not establish its impossibility.
This piqued my interest:

Umbrella Chronicles isn't merely mindless shooting -- there is that, yes, but there is also much more to consider. The Wii remote affords you pixel-perfect shooting accuracy. You can cap zombie heads without a second's hesitation or you can alternatively shoot them in the arms and legs, at which point they'll drop to the ground. Your reticule decreases in size the longer your hold it over a zombie's face and the smaller it is, the greater chance you have of pulling off a single-shot head explosion, from what we could gather. A button picks up items and chooses paths (occasionally, you can select to go in one direction or another), and B button is your trigger. Press it and you'll shoot -- that simple. But you can use nunchuk's analog stick to look around the game world -- left, right, up and down -- as you glide on-rails through the areas. You'll want to do this because it's how you find the hidden items such as guns, ammo and health that are strewn about the levels.
I wonder if there is really a need of getting a brand new engine, once (so it seems) the feature set of both consoles is basically the same.

Anyway it it doesn't seems to have many upgrades from RE4 in terms of fx, just better lighting and higher quality models/rez.

There is a clear step above of what we saw in RE4, but I still think it is not enought.

Even if it is the same, which can't really be determined at this point, the Wii can definitely benefit from a more strenuous engine imo. It's got the processing power advantage and increased storage capabilities to do so.
We don't know that the camera movement is a full 360 degrees, that it's always free, or that the game is otherwise designed in such a way that this is a problem. The universally positive previews would indicate that the elements don't butt heads with each other. Remember, one's inability to imagine something does not establish its impossibility.
Dude, seriously. Did I say IMPOSSIBLE? Did I say it would suck horribly?

I said they would conflict, which still applies if you have only certain areas with free-moving camera. (And a few "stand and free-shoot" areas would likely end up seeming like "vehicle board" interruption missions. As in, not what you do most of the time, and therefore not given the time, attention, or much purpose.)

Especially if there's a "gun shell" attachment and the encouragement to brace your controller like a gun with your other hand, switching between it and the nunchuck would be irritating. (And so would "leaving it hanging" if you're standing up and using both hands to fire the gun-mote.)

They'd be better off switching to a "bounding box" mode and letting you control the camera spinning with the gun-mote as well, and just constraining the free-aiming area a bit more. (Red Steel's "shove the side of the screen" implementation is not well-managed either.) It might work best, actually, if it functions like an analog stick, where slow movements pans the camera and aiming reticule slowly for careful aiming, and faster movements gives you a fast "looking around" mode. With perhaps quick flicking for 90- or 180-degree turns.