New tactic to tackle piracy

they (SONY) probably make a decent profit on the ps2 hardware now so they take the profit from there and leaving the software side calm
Well to be honest pricing is usually nothing to do with "costs" (which are really really low for modern electronic entertainment), but more to do with what you can get away with charging the consumer. Consider a CD - $0.20 to make, $0.20 to package, $0.20 to distribute, $0.10 to the creator (if they're lucky). The rest is for "Essentials" like the high-cost offices, executive salaries/Porches and private jets, promotion and $ 2,000,000 video (comes out of the Artists $0.10 of course), payment for lobbying government, contributions to Right Minded polititions, and a $ here and there for re-seller profit.
A CD would probably be profitable if it cost the consumer $5, but Hey! if they're dumb enough to pay $15....