Alliance: The Silent War, a title likely unknown to all but the most fervent gamers, is actually a smash-hit in the making. Here at PS3Land we had the opportunity to interview Asi Lang, CEO of Windward Mark Interactive, to bring you an inside scoop on this incredible next-gen title.
Prepare yourselves for an epic story that will bring new life to gaming, and reinvigorate the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre. The interview covers such topics as the storyline, release date, the propiertary engine used, destructable levels, polygon count, body damage and myriad other areas.
We are certainly excited about the future of this game, and believe after reading this interview you will be too. Now, on with the interview.
Here's a few shot's :
And the developer interview can be found here along with some more screen shot's and a demonstation video of the game engine.