New MB/CPU or new GPU?


3dfx Fan
Just another 'what should I do' thread...

I'm trying to decide where to spend my xmas wishes...
A new mb/cpu *and* a new GPU are out - not worth a divorce. I upgrade the A7N8X + XP2400+ to a NF3Ultra+A64 3200+ (939 of course)
Replace the 9700 Pro with a 6800GT?

The goal is D3/HL2 capability for the next 6 months.

I'm leaning toward the MB/CPU, but the bummer is either route locks me into AGP for a while longer...
Wait and see if nF4/whatever the Via PCI Express chipset is/Radeon whatever the chipset is called is out before Christmas?
The Baron said:
Wait and see if nF4/whatever the Via PCI Express chipset is/Radeon whatever the chipset is called is out before Christmas?

But then I need BOTH the MB/CPU & new video card (PCIe) = death by wife strangulation.
I'd put off the CPU/mobo upgrade and get the 6800 GT, depending on what speed you run your 2400+ at. (I have a 2400+ too, at 12x200. :) )
Mize said:
But then I need BOTH the MB/CPU & new video card (PCIe) = death by wife strangulation.

Wow you guys really make marriage sound like hell. I could never imagine a woman telling me what to do with my money. Maybe when it comes to buying a house or car - but a video card :!: :?:
digitalwanderer said:
I'd put off the CPU/mobo upgrade and get the 6800 GT, depending on what speed you run your 2400+ at. (I have a 2400+ too, at 12x200. :) )

Which mobo you got Dig?
My A7N8X with Corsair 3200 LL won't go above 194 MHz!
I had an Asus K7N2-L I got in a trade, but it wouldn't do over 175FSB so I got an Abit NF7-S rev2 as Hanners and Baron both seemed a bit bonkers over it....

....and I am too now, schweeet mobo!

(Oh, and my 2400+ is actually a 35w mobility Barton with a 7000cu on I'm kind of cheating. ;) )
RussSchultz said:
Mize said:
The goal is D3/HL2 capability for the next 6 months.
I've got a 2400+ and a 9800 vanilla; HL2 plays just fine.

Okay, okay I admit it...I just want to upgrade SOMETHING!
It's been ages since my last upgrade!

I haven't played a game in over a year! My computer is plenty fast enough for everything and HL2 and D3 were just and excuse to upgrade and tweak...I miss tweaking :(
Heh. I know the feeling.

I ended up buying new ram (necessary), but I'm holding off until I absolutely need it to upgrade my processor and/or video card because of the PCI-E thing.

I don't want to buy a new MB without PCIE, and I don't want to buy a new video card without PCIE, but I don't want to buy both right now, either.
RussSchultz said:
Heh. I know the feeling.

I ended up buying new ram (necessary), but I'm holding off until I absolutely need it to upgrade my processor and/or video card because of the PCI-E thing.

I don't want to buy a new MB without PCIE, and I don't want to buy a new video card without PCIE, but I don't want to buy both right now, either.

Damned logic!
Add to that the new A64 stepping with SSE3 that's due in January and give NF4 (or x200 etc.) at least a while mature and you're talking Summer before upgrading isn't too risky!

Ahhh! Maybe I'll just get an NF7-2 to hold me over...
buy the cheapest S939 mobo and A3200+ ... that way you will upgrade the mobo again when you get the new shiny NV50 or R520 PCI-E...

The extra mobo cost for a year shouldn't be too much, and the difference between platforms is huge in day to day tasks.

So clearly this is what you need, more than PCI-E gfx.
They will use ddr until they make a processor revision that has a memory controller that supports ddr-2. You have to remember that the memory controller is on die in the A64's.
Though you may need to change motherboards when it comes out I am not sure wether ddr-2 requires a different slot and for all we know when they suppeort it it may be on a processor with a different amount of pins. :devilish:
trinibwoy said:
Mize said:
But then I need BOTH the MB/CPU & new video card (PCIe) = death by wife strangulation.

Wow you guys really make marriage sound like hell. I could never imagine a woman telling me what to do with my money. Maybe when it comes to buying a house or car - but a video card :!: :?:

Marriage *sound* like hell???


I make a LOT of money but somehow there's only money for toys restaurants and new clothes from Victoria's Secret!!