New L.A. Noire Trailer

The trailer didn't tell much. I'll be looking forward to finding out more about this title but hasn't this game been in development for years already and they still don't have anything else but this movie to show? Its no surprise if SCEE got tired of waiting results and dropped them. Don't turn this in to another Duke nukem forever.
Or Team Bondi dropped SCEE. It's being published by Rockstar.

The trailer - dull. Night scene. Rather simple look. Models were okay detail. Lighting engine looked good. Textures were bad. Semmed all motion capture though. A guy runs, is chased, quick fisty-cuffs on a roof and falls to is death. the end. Absolutely nothing comparable to the 'old man' picture associated with this game. If the people in that town were being driven by a behaviour engine, it'd have something impressive to show. As for now, it looked terribly dull on almost all counts. Even the music was dull.
Is this game still PS3 exclusive? I suspect it went multiplatform to recoup the money.
Is this game still PS3 exclusive? I suspect it went multiplatform to recoup the money.
Signs are pointing toward multiplatform, yes. I did kind think it was weird they didnt confirm what platforms at the end of the trailer, it would have been easy to clarify and just say PS3, or PS3/360 (obviously this title isnt going to the Wii).
Signs are pointing toward multiplatform, yes. I did kind think it was weird they didnt confirm what platforms at the end of the trailer, it would have been easy to clarify and just say PS3, or PS3/360 (obviously this title isnt going to the Wii).

*sigh* obviously bad_boy *sigh* obviously .........
Or Team Bondi dropped SCEE. It's being published by Rockstar
Small detail but it was SCEA, not SCEE.

Anyway, this render was a pure waste of time.
Actually, I still don't understand how Mcmanara got away getting such a budget from... anyone. The only idea of having the "creator of The Getaway" at the helm of a big budget project is already stupid enough as it is, but when you think of the theme of the game, a film noir, PI and stuff, it's like a huge box with "hey I'm going to cost a lot of money and sell a couple of copies at best" written on it.

I mean, Take Two (and before that SCEA), the publisher, has seen the sell of Mafia on PS2/Xbox and heard about the hyped and boasting a famous IP EA's Godfather...
Actually, I still don't understand how Mcmanara got away getting such a budget from... anyone. The only idea of having the "creator of The Getaway" at the helm of a big budget project is already stupid enough as it is, but when you think of the theme of the game, a film noir, PI and stuff, it's like a huge box with "hey I'm going to cost a lot of money and sell a couple of copies at best" written on it.
I can understand, to a small degree, Sony being willing to fund it as a sort of 'art-house' expansion of the PS library. ICO didn't sell well but they still funded SOTC because of what the team brought to the platform. A great game well received could still add to platform image (think winning BAFTAs) even if it doesn't make much money. Possibly.

I can't understand Rockstar stepping in though. As you say, everything about the game seems to limit it's market appeal. Heck, the music's even Jazz! I can't see this selling, and I can't see it contributing anything to Rockstar.

Maybe the heads of the two companies are best buddies and Rockstar are funding Team Bondi as a personal favour? :???:
I can understand, to a small degree, Sony being willing to fund it as a sort of 'art-house' expansion of the PS library. ICO didn't sell well but they still funded SOTC because of what the team brought to the platform. A great game well received could still add to platform image (think winning BAFTAs) even if it doesn't make much money. Possibly.

I can't understand Rockstar stepping in though. As you say, everything about the game seems to limit it's market appeal. Heck, the music's even Jazz! I can't see this selling, and I can't see it contributing anything to Rockstar.

Maybe the heads of the two companies are best buddies and Rockstar are funding Team Bondi as a personal favour? :???:

ICO might not have sold (didn't it? I keep hearing that, but it sold *out* to the extent that copies went for a lot of money on Ebay until it was re-released with SOTC, so presumably it could have sold more if they'd just made more...) - but at least it was a good game. In fact it was almost universally acclaimed as one of the all time classics. Indeed I'd agree with that personally and rate it as simply one of the best games, period.

Getaway on the other hand, was poo. Technically "interesting", but one of the few games I've ever simply stopped playing half-way through because I just couldn't face it any more. I mean seriously, I'll play anything to completion just out of sheer bloody-mindedness once I get started, but that was awful.

Still, someone keeps throwing money at Uwe Boll to make movies.
ICO might not have sold (didn't it? I keep hearing that, but it sold *out* to the extent that copies went for a lot of money on Ebay until it was re-released with SOTC, so presumably it could have sold more if they'd just made more...) - but at least it was a good game. In fact it was almost universally acclaimed as one of the all time classics. Indeed I'd agree with that personally and rate it as simply one of the best games, period.
I think ICO didn't sell at launch, but had such a good reputation that it was selling for stupid money on eBay. TBH at only 7 hours long I dont think it was worth the full price, but I guess I'm just a philistine!

I'll play anything to completion just out of sheer bloody-mindedness once I get started, but that was awful.
Me too! Don't you just hate that? You're in a game, not particularly enjoying it, but have to get to the end? I guess I have issues...

Still, someone keeps throwing money at Uwe Boll to make movies.
In this case, perhaps Sony were expecting an avant-garde masterpiece, from a story-driven epic viewpoint, and then seeing the game wasn't delivering, pulled the plug? At least the Getaway made money...