The topic says 'new look', I say what's so new about that design? Am I the only one who sees those ports at the back of the screen 'retarded'? How untidy and 'irritating' is that. I mean you adjust a screen and a whole bunch of wires dangle around with it!

<---- 356 posts and I never had to use 'roll eyes' once 'till now!
I think they've also lost the mobility /degrees of freedom motion of the LCD screen from the 'lamp' iMac...which is one of it's most appealing features. They seem to have taken some backwards steps...and for what, to save 'footprint' much would it really save that would be useful? And if your desparate for space, why not get a laptop? Which this resembles with a detached keyboard!
IMO, I didn't like the original CRT iMac, they 'nailed' it with the 'lamp' iMac and screwed up this 'tray' iMac. The 'lamp' iMac' wasn't broke, so leave it alone!

<----- my 2nd 'roll eyes'...