SirXcalibur said:
Just so you know, as a beta tester, they worked fine with the latest drivers i have.
And heres a nitpick for you
The glow effect seems to light up the skymap behind it. That is to say, when i look through the glow, i can see the texture of what is a darkend area. Effect-wise, that doesn't make sense, especially if someone was using it for a cut scene type thing.
Could you tell me, Humus: Would that be fixed by blend instead of adding the glow color? (I'm assuming you're adding the glow color). I.e., glow brightness factor weighting the blend...a weighting factor for brightness scaled to taste, and then (wf*color+screencolor)/(some suitable constant depending on wf scale, presumably 2).
Just a lighting novice asking for the error of his assumptions to be pointed out.
It just seems to me that glow/glare effects diminish details distinction, not just brighten. Of course, I could actually check and see what you did before guessing, eh? I guess I'll take a peek.