Naughty or Nice? - Your Favorite True Banner Ad

Carl B

Friends call me xbd
Well, here's a topic forged out of equal parts boredom, fascination, and to address the march of a certain website's advertising across the web.

So what's your favorite True banner ad? They seem to be everywhere among the forums I frequent, and they've obviously become a fixture here as well.

My favorite is the one with the girl in the jean-material bikini.
i was actually going to post in the site feedback forum, for an explanation on the ads. Not something i want up, while co-workers are around. From a distance, it doesnt look SFW.

the one in the brown bikini on her side is my fav, btw. ;)

Yeah I know what you mean; harder to browse the forums under the radar when you have these banner ads drawing attention. It's like - can't more reputable advertisers be found?

The whole thing has the air of a new-age 'X10' blanket ad campaign.

BUT... that said... yeah the one in the brown bikini laying on her side is definitely up there. ;)
Well, I don't have a favorite, but there are some that annoy me the most: the flashing ones. I disable those.
The one currently at the top of this is pretty nice.

She's leaning back, blue eyes (photoshoped), but nice none the less.

I dont mind the banner ads here at B3D at all, they're placed in area's that make sense for what they are and never get in the way. I wish more sites would use such intelligent placement of the banner ads.
Skrying said:
The one currently at the top of this is pretty nice.

The banners are localised, I believe, since I've been getting only movie rental banners in Finnish here for quite a long time. Apparently I'm missing something good.
Yes, they're localised.

I don't really notice them very much, and disable them when they (try to) get in my face.
What banner ads? :D
Only get some stupid gambling one or smiley face ones at only a very few sites, must remember to reinstall blockers to get rid of the buggers

Edit: Hmm there is that one at the top of the page, hardly notice it. But its all in arabic with two pictures of arabic guys, one who looks mentally retarded. It is an ad for Freedom house, whoever they are, and flashing something about 10million.
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Blitzkrieg said:
Edit: Hmm there is that one at the top of the page, hardly notice it. But its all in arabic with two pictures of arabic guys, one who looks mentally retarded. It is an ad for Freedom house, whoever they are, and flashing something about 10million.

Well, localized indeed!

I don't know who the lucky ones are in all this, the Americans with the distracting girls, or everyone else with easily ignored boring ads.