My word is Law - bit-tech column by Chris Caines


My word is Law

Today I am someone else; today I am the mind of the worst kind of Internet user. Today I am the voice of no-one and the opinion of everyone. Today, my word is law.

Quite a good read (especially the last few paragraphs); a lot of truth in there...
I've never met anyone at all like that...
All my games run at 200FPS in 1600x1200 with all the settings up to max, although why you need to run a game over 26FPS anyway is pointless because everyone knows that’s the highest rate your eyes need to see a moving picture. I get 3DMark Scores in number ranges that look like phone numbers, but I think synthetic benchmarks are flawed and it’s the gaming performance that matters. I only put it in my Signature so you know how pathetic your card is. You want to overclock it, volt mod it and bios update it, THEN you might get a score like mine. It’s all a waste of time anyway because anyone in their right mind owns a Mac, did I say I watercool my GPU RAM?

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: The guy's a genius...
Nite_Hawk said:

I hope he's being sarcastic... :oops:


The guy is a genius, anyone not getting his humour needs to read the whole thing over and over again until he understands it. It's like... it's perfect. A perfect description of a typical hardware/console forum.