Just a quick update: 2nd surgery only went ok. I rebounded well and was out of the hospital within about 30 hours after being admitted (only one night). Was very dizzy after surgery, as to be expected as my superior canal was plugged closed and a bone graft put in place. The initial results were great: my hearing was amazing--no more pounding heart beat, no more hearing my eye ball, no more rumbling when I talked, and everything seemed so crisp and clear fore once. So I went home Friday. I was in only a little pain related to the jaw muscle being slightly cut and stretched, but no real headaches this time. Ditched all the narcotics the day after surgery so I was on 500mg Tylenol 3x a day for ~ 2 weeks. So went home Friday on a walker and was progressing daily; Monday I got some pounding sounds in the ear (to be expected to a degree as the symptoms don't usually resolve immediately).
Anyhow awoke Tuesday morning completely deaf in my left ear. Went on Prednisone but no changes. Since it has been 11 days with no improvement I am almost surely deaf in that ear permanently. My left eyebrow/forehead is also paralyzed, they are unsure if that will change and I have ringing tinnitus now (at least the first 2 days of being deaf were completely quiet, now it sounds like Cicadas in my ear). Major bummer. The hope is, though, that all the dizziness and fatigue will resolve. The hole was about 1.1cm and I know that I was slowly losing hearing and longterm there was a chance I would lose it anyways and, that due to the size of the hole, I was more at risk of losing the hearing (typically 2% risk for surgery of this kind) but it doesn't really blunt the reality of having it fixed and then losing it. It is a big adjustment, especially as the kids don't quite understand that all 4 (make that 5!) of them talking at once no longer works for daddy.
Kind of a crazy last couple weeks as my wife, last Saturday morning, began leaking amniotic fluid. We went to the midwife for check up and the baby was transverse so off to the hospital they went and I was 30 minutes from home with all 4 kids and unable to drive LOL. It all worked out though, got some friends and family to help out. Thankfully the baby moved head down on her own while my wife was in Triage and her water broke. My wife has gone over 2 weeks with every child so this one, at 37 weeks, and she was looking small so we ended up staying at the hospital instead of laboring at home. The staff were pretty hands off though and let my wife labor in peace (she walks a lot) and about a day later began real contractions and we had a healthy 6lb 5oz baby girl and a healthy mom happy to have not had an emergency C-section. I am not quite sure how I did it though... I ditched the walker Saturday morning and somehow was helpful for two days about a week after surgery. But I am really beat now, just exhausted. Thankfully, outside the hearing and eyebrow, I have had so few complications with the surgery itself--if I had not lost my hearing I would be doing back flips

Big picture, the hope is that the repair to the ear will at least resolve the dizziness issues but only time will tell as it takes months for the body to adjust to the repair as the canal is now disabled.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts, well wishes, prayers, etc., they were appreciated. Now it is recovery time, helping with the fam, and preparing to go back to work.
PS- The Trigeminal Neuralgia surgery was a resounding success. I didn't realize how many aches, twinges, stabs, etc I was having until now. I have a 30% change of it returning in the next 10 years so no doubts, if it came back, I would re-do the MVD.